Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hello World!

Thank you, Brandi! This is the cutest thing I've ever seen! And now I won't have to have the same hour long conversation multiple times with everyone about my pregnancy! That frees up maaany hours of my week.. very exciting. So I guess I should just do a quick run through of everything that's gone on through my pregnancy and catch ya'll up!

Months 1-3 Everything was pretty normal... except turning 21 and not being able to drink!

10 weeks

This is on my bday, about 6 weeks pregnant


Month 4: Worst month eveeeer. We moved to Dallas from Austin, and lived with some of our closest friends, Nick & Sonia, until we found a place of our own (that was the only good part about that month... they were AMAZING and so helpful). I thought I would never be able to be in a kitchen or have any food with TASTE ever again... sooo glad that stage of pregnancy is OVER!

15 weeks

Harland & I.. 4 months

Sophia's Wedding

Downtown Dallas

19 weeks

finding out it's a BOY!.. we also have a video on it!

Month 5: finally starting to show! We finally found a house to rent... and I wasn't near as sick as I was the month before so Harland and I were both in a lot better mood! (me because I wasn't vomiting every other day, and Harland because he wasn't cleaning it up anymore.. even though that didn't completely go away for another month)

24 weeks... look at that precious face!!

5 months

Our Housewarming Party

Amber's Bday

Month 6: Back to my old self! I've been at Chuy's over a year... and was starting to work more hours now that I was feeling better.

6 Months

Year & Half Anniversary @ Bob's Steak & Chop house

For April Fools, as many of you know, I pulled the ultimate prank on Harland... click there to watch!

His Aunts Wedding in Brenham

Month 7: Can't breathe!! For the men out there who don't know much about pregnancy... your lungs move up and out 2 inches around this time.. so I was having a really hard time breathing and had to start taking it easy... time for a 4 table section-- and each of them only fit 2 people. Not a great way to save up for a baby!

7 months

Watching the MAVS!!

Campfire in New Braunsfels

Very much needed vacation... amazing trip

Month 8: Back & Feet are KILLING ME! When I came home crying because my body was hurting so badly, I decieded that was it for me, no more serving! So I became a host and now all I do is take names :)

8 months

Here's a video of the baby moving:

I also had my first baby shower--- in Austin. I miss and love all these girls sooo much!

Then a week later had my Family Shower @ Aunt Michele's (who has COMPLETELY gone above and beyond for me! Don't know what I would do without her!!)

Watching Dane Cook for the second time

Father's Day at his Dad's house

The next week I had my 3rd shower with my girlfriends that my amazing friends Amber & Katie threw for me...

Month 9: Enjoying my last month of sleep! Apparently I have started snoring... which is a great pay back to the almost 2 years I've endured it with Harland. I also have what my mom refers to as "Flinstone Feet" and can't put any rings on my fingers.

For forth of July we did the same as last year and went to Party Cove on Dustin's boat

Addisyn's (Harland's Goddaughter) bday

Erinn's Bday (We've all been friends for 10 years!)

And finally.. my 4th and last shower... Harland's friends

..and my mom :)

Brandi & I, Tucker & Brodie's first playdate!

soon to be parents!! :D

1 comment:

  1. The video was... startling and AMAZING. I had no idea that baby's movements could be seen from outside. Or, is it just because you are in great shape, super healthy and fit?
