Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Halloweener!!

I thought I would entertain you with some pics of my Halloween's throughout the years:

(05) Senior Year Dorothy (or Whorothy as my Mom called it). I miss my old room!
(06) Freshman Year of College: A Cop... Me and Jess had our first Halloween Party.
My roomate Jess and I in my room at our first place
(07) My first Halloween with Harland... the first night I was a devil..
..and the night of my halloween party I was a prisoner and he was the prison gaurd.
(08) 70's Party
(08) We carve pumpkins every year but I didn't take a pic of the first one. so here's our pirate..
and we decieded to go COWBOYS!
(09) We each did a pumpkin this year... let me know which one you think is better.. we have a bet going! He wears a OU shirt, or I wear a UT shirt!
This year we're having another Halloween party, our first in Dallas! We're also taking Brodster trick or treating the next night... you'll have to check back and see what we were!
Here's Brodie showing off his Halloween spirit...

Thursday, October 15, 2009


That's right people, Finally! In fact, that was my response when he asked me to marry him! There has been more going on lately than I can probably remember so here's to trying....

All my kiddos turned ONE in the last few weeks! My cousin Michael, Iliana, and the twins Brittyn and Kennedy.

Michaels First Bday Party

My Aunt Michele w Brodster

Iliana's First Bday Party

This is the toy box we made her

There were a bunch of our friends and some family, and after the whole celebration, I went off to get cake and heard Harland's voice on the mic. I turned around and was like what the hell... he is definitely not the kind to get on the mic infront of like 100 people! I thought he was telling Ily happy bday or something so I went to go get the camera. As I was turning it on (about to film my own proposal) he said, "We've been together for 2 years now and I love her very much." I obviously figured out what was going on, handed the camera to my sister, and watched him get down on one knee. He said "Will you be my angel." I didn't even say yes, I was totally in shock. We were both shaking... and I was completely numb. Everyone was like "Say yes!" haha. Instead, I said "Finally!"

We went out to celebrate afterwards at Zephyrs and had a blasty blast. While waiting for the bathroom, there was a looong line of girls and a girl said "wow that's a beautiful ring!" and I YELLED "I just got engaged!!!" Harland (as well as the whole bar) heard me, came around the corner, and I said "And THAT'S my fiance!" Everyone was cheering, it was hilarious.

A few days later was our 2 year anniversary. I took Brodster to get his first professional pics taken:

Framed this one...

This was in his new wallet I gave him...

Framed this one...

Framed this one for my mom..

He came home with 2 roses.. one for every year.. and said he wanted to take me shopping. I wasn't too impressed with that "gift". haha. For anniversary's I'd like something meaninful... Idk. Is that bad?

We went out to PF Changs.. one of our faves. Shared saki and japenese beer. Nich Deniz from HS greeted us... just the beginning of all the ppl I saw from HS this week. Kristen Egan and Morgan Estep at target, seperately.. Tyler Hurt was our server at On the Border.. went to babysit Stephanie Levesque's twins and Allison Smalley was at her house, in town from Cali. Weird!!

It was also my Mom and Cousin Audrey's Bday's! We had the whole family over at Uncle Greg's so we FINALLY got to tell the family that we're engaged!

There's also been a ton going on in Brodie Land.

I have officially given up breastfeeding. After working 8 hr shifts and not having time to stop and pump, I end up making not even an ounce! I was having to sit and pump or breastfeed for about 1-4 hours a day for about 3 ounces total. It was just way too much work for barely any results. If I started producing a good amount, I would breastfeed for a year. It makes me so mad... but at least he was breastfed for almost 3 months. I tried my best. After not pumping for 30 hours, I woke up and felt like I had huge rocks in my breasts, I pumped, and they haven't hurt since. That was it. One time and I was done... that's how much I was NOT making. Everyone I know said it hurt them for a whole month!

He slept in his crib all night for the first time a few nights ago. I, however, did not get any sleep. I was constantly checking my monitor. But he's been sleeping aprox 8 hours straight, bottle, then back to sleep for about 4 hours, bottle, then falls back asleep again for about 2 hours. I get up after his second bottle and clean while he finishes sleeping. Last night he slept from 11-8. And we both didn't wake up once! (He was in the bassinet next to me... I can only put him in his crib on the nights where Linds isn't sleeping in the baby room. Boo. But the roomates are moving out at the end of the month, so Linds will have her own room and so will Brodie. And so will WE!!!)

He was in the bouncy seat on the floor while I was in the shower getting ready for work. I peeked out and gave him a big smile and he gave me a HUGE laugh! I've never felt a warmer feeling in my heart before. Everytime I peeked out, he smiled back at me.

He also started his new diapers. They're Kushie's, cloth diapers. It's great when he just has a wet diaper, just throw it in the water pail in the garage with some vinegar, but the "dirty" diapers.. oh man. I just did my first one. It'll be a lot easier when the sink in the garage is done... but I can't WAIT for Harland to clean one of those. I'll get it on camera, don't worry. Luckily for you, I did get one video of Harland changing one diaper. Enjoy... I know I did.

This is Jeffrey, Brodie's giraffe. It plays "A Dream is a Wish Your Hear Makes" and moves his head. He loves him.

And of corse.. the Ring. (Drumroll...)

Thanks for all the sweet messages on facebook! Love you all!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Things I Couldn't Live Without

Saw this on your blog, Brandi, and thought I'd answer it!

Some Mommy things I couldn't live without:
Everyone talks about how breastfeeding gives them cracked and bleeding nipples... well not me! I'm in LOVE with these, it completely took my fear of breastfeeding away. We've been using them for 10 weeks and I completely recomend it!

His Mobile

He calms down the second he hears it, and he loves to watch the animals spin around

His Boppy
This is helpful in so many ways... 1st: Breastfeeding, a great positioner when you haven't quite got it down yet, 2nd: Brodie slept in his boppy up until a few days ago. It kept kim positioned where he wouldn't roll over and he could feel snuggled. 3rd: Props him up when you want to give him a bottle, but want to hurry and put some dishes away. 4th: Is a great seat while he sits with you on the couch!
His sleep sack

Mine are a lot cuter than this, but I couldn't find them online. They are for 0-9 months and I put him in this anytime he goes to sleep bc before this, I would wake up and find he put his blanket over his head.. very scary. This way, it feels like a blanket, and I can rest easy knowing he wont suffocate at night. I have 4 bc he always manages to get it wet in the middle of the night.

Born Free Bottles!!

I've tried Avent, Dr. Brown, Medela, and Air Vent Bottles and these are by far my favorite. No leaking and the filter inside makes for less gas, and it's BPA free. Very pricy though!!

His Video Monitor

The cheapest video monitor I found (only $100!) and works great! I love being able to see hows he's sleeping... if he rolled over on his tummy, if he scooted to the side of the crib and is barely getting any air, or if he put the blanket over his head... all things you need a video monitor for.

His bouncy (and vibrating) seat

I try not to use the vibe too much but I put him in here when I need my hands and he bounces himself


NECESSITY if you are grocery shoping alone (esp if you need the whole grocery cart). VERY helpful even when with your husband. (or boyfriend in my case :( )

Gas drops

he'll wake up in the middle of the night from really painful gas so we give him this before he goes to sleep

Wipe Warmer

He use to cry everytime we changed his diaper bc it was so cold, now he doesn't, but it sure helped the first month

Mirror for the car
Definitely recommend this! I love being able to check on him while I'm driving.

Aveeno bath soap and body wash

MAN this stuff leaves your baby smelling SO good

Johnsons Lavender lotion


I wonder what Moms did before these helpful items!