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Thursday, April 29, 2010


uggggh. need to vent.

does anyone know what the term "BEST FRIEND" means?! 4 times in my life i thought i had what a "bf" is suppose to be... and everytime got COMPLETELY f'd over.

-one kissed a very serious boyfriend
-one chose her boyfriend over me, who she ended up dumping soon after (apparently
she could be friends with me and have her boyfriend at the same time.)
-one stole tooons of my things including a LOT of money
-and now one just decided that she no longer wants to be friends with me bc of who one of my friends is!

i am so sick of feeling like this. why is it so hard to find a friend that truely loves and cares for you? i cared..and still care deeply for those girls, so how can they just drop me like I'm no one to them?! it's a very lonely feeling. i do have a lot of great friends but i don't really have that one person i can call at any time and tell everything to anymore (besides H of corse). i would love to have another Maid of Honor bc my sister is only 16 and can't really handle all of the MOH duties alone...but i dont really think that even any of my close friends would really qualify. MOH isn't someone you just replace. im extremely hurt, i really didn't think this friendship would end.

pretty depressed...going to go drown my sorrows in some mint chocolate chip icecream.

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