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Friday, July 17, 2009

What I do for love...

Today started off like any other day... ignoring my 9:30 am alarm and waking up at noon, (can't do that for much longer, might as well enjoy it!) until Joel (our roomate) told me our hallway was flooded. It just wouldn't be my life if everything was going smoothly. The faucet in the guest bathroom also has a constant stream coming from it.. costing us millions in water bills, so finally I call the landlord. This is the first job since we've been together that Harland has not been able to fix.. he's pretty much my hero. Anyhoooo-- I call the landlord and tell him to call a plumber, but instead says he'll be right over. SUPER. We have a dog that we haven't paid the pet deposit for and a roomate we haven't told him about. So I run him over to a friends house in the scorching heat, feeling like my baby is about to fall out at anytime (PS. Mom I need you to watch him Sunday night!!) and go back to the house to hide Joel's things. Well just like I figure, he can't fix it, and is coming back with a plumber Monday morning (hints why I need you to watch him!).
So last night I ask Harland what his plans are for Friday night since he's been all up his friends asses since we moved back to Dallas, and he said, "I just wanna be with you." But did that happen?! ha. Sean invites him to go 4-wheeling Saturday, and I hate that he is going to be 2 hours away from me when I could go into labor ANY DAY but I'll just let him have his fun while he can. Once the baby comes things are going to be A LOT different. So we decide to have dinner with Sean and Brandi-- and he asks the question I just knew was coming. "Would it be okay if i left tonight?" This wouldn't be such a problem if I could actually get some sleep without him next to me, but I've tried, and it's impossible. I hate it! He basically says he will owe me his life if I let him go, so I said okay go and get drunk for the last time, cuz it's not gonna happen for a looong time!
I wish I wasn't so obsessed with my boyfriend.


  1. I love your blog Britt! I made one a couple months ago, and its addicting. :)

  2. Great additions to the blog. Brit! Sorry about the plumbing disaster, though - just what ya needed, right? Love u . . . Nana
