Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Brodie's First Week

I couldn't wait to get this little bundle of joy home!
(Before we had a good head support for him.. I ended up putting burp cloths around his head.)

First order of buisness, introducing Deuce to the baby

He was extremely curious... but now at night he sleeps with his head underneath the bed... I'm guessing to drowned out the crying!

After Daddy and Brodie took a very long nap,

...Brandi and Sean came over and brought us a home cooked meal, then Brandi cleaned my house like a mad woman! :) It was veeery appreciated!

Daddy and soon to be!

Then we "settled" into bed for one loooong night.

Brodie Burrito

The next morning we had a meeting with the doctor at the hospital to check out the little guy. He has jaundice, which most babies who are born early have, and they wanted to see if it has gone down at all... which it hadn't. On a scale of 1-4 he had a 3. His weight had dropped from 7.6 to 6.14... So the lactationist told me I had to double time with feedings, which meant I had to pump and breastfeed.. equaling NO time to do anything else... including going to Sean and Brandi's babyshower :(
Passed out after all the colostrum :)

Eventually I realized to maximize time, I would have to pump and breastfeed at the same time... pretty funny mental picture huh?! Of corse with all this activity, my milk came in. I woke up thinking someone had put silicone in my breasts while I was sleeping. Hard, sorrrre, and HUGE. What a huge transformation my body has been through in a matter of days, especially my stomach... in 4 days I went from 9 1/2 months pregnant to this...

I'm so excited to basically have my tummy back.. and with no stretch marks!! Harland's not mad about that at all! :)

Later that day, my Mom came over to make us a meal, clean, and visit her first grandson (that sounds so wierd!)

And then Sancy and Haylee stopped by with MORE food and to meet Brodie Bear!

Sunday we had another visit to check on the jaundice. The constant feedings dramatically helped-- he gained 4 oz in a day!! His bilirubin level drastically went down as well-- I was exstatic.

Later, my Aunt and Uncle came over with the kids and brought us a huge dinner!

So let's recap real quick:
-Erica brought me my first meal after the baby, a brisket sandwhich
-We got 6 free extravagent meals from the hospital
-Nana brought Cheesecake factory and champagne
-Brandi cooked enchiladas, rice, and made salad
-Mom brought lasagna and salad
-Sancy brought Maggiano's
-Michele & Greg brought Babe's
-My Nanny cooked homemade pasta

We have AMAZING friends and family :) Thank you guys sooo much for helping us!!

Monday, Harland's boss said he would give him a few more days paid paternity leave (YAY!) so we went to Walmart to get a few necessities for the baby with our gift cards.

haha he looks like I just picked him off the shelf

I feel a lot better about driving now... even though I haven't yet.

Later that night we went to Chuy's with Amber and Kain so I could show him off. Some people didn't know I had him yet so I got a few hilarious reactions.

Tuesday we had yet another checkup, but this one was at my Mom's office, so she got to show him off. Now his weight is at 7.2! I gotta pat myself on the back- haha.

Her friend clipping his nails, yay! I am not looking forward to doing that myself.

Lindsay came over to spend time with her nephew (wierd to say) and while I was teaching her how to change his diaper (correctly), he peed all over himself .. and ended getting some in his EYE. We freaked. It was definitely time for his first "bath".

Harland was so funny, "what do you wash him with!?"

Tonight Nick & Sonia are coming over and I'm so freaaaking excited for them to meet him! :)

Now the following are just adorable pics of Baby... enjoy!

First time in his swing... I think he looks just like my baby pics in this one

Flexing for the ladies

Calling the ladies :)

Harland thought he was doing hook-em... but he was mistaken.. just holding his binki in! :)

Loves being swaddled

More pics of him sleeping with Daddy

ummm adorable?! yes.


  1. Omg he is so gorgeous!!!!! I love all the pics, Brittany! xoxoxoxo

  2. ADORABLE!!!
    i love all the pics!
    minus the one of your stomach.
    why would u do that to me!?!?!
