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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Worst week of my life to be sick!

Yay! Nick and Sonia finally came home from Florida and got to meet Brodie... and we got to visit with our other child, Ily! :)
Aunt Lindsay
My sister has been staying over the past couple nights and has been an amaaazing help! She watches him while I shower, clean, and TRY to get the baby room organized, and cleans while I feed him. You're a lifesavor Linds! I love you!
Linds gave him his first mohawk haha
So I finally got the courage to drive with little man, and my sister.. I about had a heart attack 50 million times because of other drivers... I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life.
Over the last couple days I've started to get a little sick and now it's full throttle-- probobly the worst week of my life to be sick... and I've been calling the doctor constantly (yes, I'm one of those Moms) bc I'm terrified of getting him sick. Well guess who has a stuffy nose now? I've already been checking on him constantly just to see if he's breathing and now it's a little rediculous. My grandma came over to see the baby and we got to talking about her first son who died of SIDS at about a month old, and even though I've always known about it, I couldn't really feel for her until now. I just started weeping thinking about going through that and how horrible it must have been. I can't imagine him not being in my life now... having this excessive amount of happiness taken away from you is just unimaginable... whooo.. getting teary eyed. So I have my Little Noses saline drops, bulb syringe, tissues, and sanitizer for me at my fingertips at all times.
He is succcch a good baby, very content, except for the 4 am feeding every night.. I don't what it is about it-- but he won't go back to sleep unless he's sleeping on one of our chests. His sleep is starting to get better, probobly because we finally have his feeding schedule down. The last three days he's eaten every 3 hours exactly. He hasn't been waking up until it's been about 3 hours since his last feeding.. which is a huge difference from the every hour feeding we had to do to flush out the jaundice (which has come down a ton). He's been sleeping in his swing (that doesn't swing) that his buddy Michael gave him, so that he can sit up and be able to breathe better. It's helped a ton.
Last night Harland was a great help. Since he didn't have to work today, he got up with us every time (1, 4, and 7am)-- and at 7 for the first time I didn't wake up to his cries... i was passed OUT. I had fed him at 10...and he didn't go to bed till after his next feeding at 1am. So I sleep for about 2 hours till his next, fed him, and layed him on my chest while sitting up (the only way he'll fall alseep at this time) and everytime I slowly try to place him in the swing, he cried. I can't sleep sitting up, so I turn on the Roseanne marithon and wait till he falls asleep again. This happened about 3 times before he was satisfied in his swing. So basically I got another hour and a half of sleep until he woke up for his 7am feeding... that I didn't wake up for. My boobs woke me up at 10. If you've breastfed then you know what I'm talking about. I look down and there's no baby and no Harland. Dazed and confused, I yelled for him and he came in and said he didn't want to wake me, so he brought him in the living room and fed him the breastmilk from the freezer and has just been enjoying some alone time with him. Right then I knew I picked a winner (not that I didn't know before :) I can't believe I had about 5 straight hours of sleep! Veeerry exciting!

It really doesn't get any better than this
So content.

Poor Deuce trying to get attention!
Our Family
PS. Erica: thank you so much for alllll the baby goodies.. and for the haircut! :)

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