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Monday, August 3, 2009

Back to "Regular".. with an added Bonus!

Wow, traces of my life before Brodie are starting to come back. Like sleep! Saturday night Harland got up with him everytime... of corse I was awake, but it's a big difference in just hearing him then being up tending to him. So the whole fight you hear on TV, "You don't think I get up when you get up!?" ...yah totally not the same thing. Then last night he only woke up ONE time! And it didn't take him 2 hours to go back to sleep! He ate for 30 minutes, cuddled with Mom for about 10, and went back to bed! When Harland woke up for work, he woke up again, but i layed him on my chest and he fell right back asleep... for 4 hours! So I'm starting to say... screw the feeding schedule, at least in the middle of the night. If I can get 4 straight hours without him wanting to eat.. I'm taken it! The books I'm reading are so conflicting. One says he needs to eat every 3 hours, and to wake him (during the day) for his feedings if he's sleeping. The other one says don't wake him during the day because he will actually sleep better at night, and feel more full from not being basically "made" to be hungry every 3 hours. Well I tried the waking him up to feed him and that led to about 3-4 hours of sleep at night, with no time to nap during the day bc of feedings... then yesterday I still basically stuck to the schedule, but without waking him to feed... and we got 8 hours of sleep total! He seems very content, so I'm thinking I'm gonna stick to this for now.

I also got a new video monitor and that puts a ton of "regular" back in my day. I cleaned all around the house without constantly checking on him-- bc I could watch and hear every little move he made. I also had my first worry free shower bc of it! I couldn't shower unless someone was watching him so I'm definitely starting to get my days back together.. just with an added bonus along with it!

Sleep sleep sleep. So precious.

Oh and I guess he was dreaming about his Mama bc I caught a smile! :)

Last night Brodster cheered on his daddy for his 2nd to last game.

Pretty good game.. Nick hit a home run and Dustin had a badass catch

Then we came home and watched a movie (another "regular") with Brodie. Everyday just keeps getting better... I can't tell you how much I love my little guy!

1 comment:

  1. When Walker was a newborn I had a bassinet that I would roll into the bathroom while I showered. It was so helpful! If you have one or a swing or anything.. you should try it.

    And that whole feeding thing... no one can tell you what's right for you. You will learn what is best for you and the baby.. there is no RIGHT way so don't worry!

