Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Michele!

This has been the best week I've had in sooo long. Brodie has grown up so much... he's a completely different baby than he was last week... and the weeks before. He is so much more content. The only reason he cries is if he's hungry or wants to be held... which we are trying to do less. All the books I'm reading say enjoy your baby, and worry about training after a month. So the first thing we're doing differently is letting him cry--which is really hard. I've only let him do it for no more than 3 minutes bc I can't stand him being upset. I can definitely tell the difference in the "I'm hungry cry" vs. the "I want my mommy cry." Yesterday while I was getting a bottle ready for while we were at Harlands' game, he cried pretty hard and by the time I got back to him he had TEARS in his eyes! He was in his carseat so I couldn't pick him up but I felt horrible. He was like "YOU LEFT ME!" The second I kissed him and stroked his head he stopped crying. He just wanted his mommy. :) I feel like I actually know who my son is now. It's hard to basically figure out your own child in the beginning, you have to get to know each other and figure out his likes and dislikes, and now that I know, I feel a lot stronger bond.

Here are the "Adorable pics of Brodie" for the week... :)

My favorite outfit

This past week...

We took Brodie on his first stroller ride over to Dan's who made us an amazing meal. Half way there we realized the ride was pointless bc he slept the whole time.

The next day I went over to introduce Brodie to his future girlfriends, Brittyn and Kennedy, Stephs adorable twins. (Stephanie is without a doubt one of the best and most hardworking moms I've ever met!)
Friday, me and Linds went to Chili's at like midnight, and then took her 5 cheerleader friends home who were stranded. They piled in my trunk.
Saturday, we went swimming with the Gonzales'-- felt good to get out in the sun again. Brodie was in an air conditioned room right next to the pool where we could see and hear him. It was the perfect set up.
After not eating all day, we went to Ghengis Grill (YUM!) and then picked up my sister to babysit for the night. We went to Sting, a club in Addison, and I think I was the only white girl there. Nevertheless, it was one of the best nights I've had in a looong time. Harland and I were having a blast on the dance floor, and it was great to really have a good time with him again... it's been a whiiiile. We were limited on funds so we brought 2 flasks and just bought cokes (sneaky sneaky) and then I did something I'll never do again.. had our first shots of 151. The instant it went down, I regreted it. We went outside to get some air and let me stomach settle-- but after 3 cups of water I was feelin GREAT. :) Sonia showed me how to salsa.. and we ended up doing that on stage. ha. Great night. I missed that closeness with Harland because of constantly tending to the baby, but I feel it again.

The next day was Michele's birthday dinner at Nanny & Papa's. It was the first time Brodie was with his whole family (well my side) so I had to get a pic...

Michael crawled for the first time in front of all of us!!

PS. Harland hasn't smoked in 9 days!! Whoo-hoo!!

PSS. I'm going back to work this week... boo. So let me know if you want some Brodie time cuz I need sitters! :)

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