Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Quite the turn of events..

Lots of things are looking up! My left breast isn't producing enough milk for Brodie so I have to supplement with an ounce or two of formula which I hate to have to do, but for the first time in about 10 days he seems really satisfied after he eats... which has been leading him straight to sleep at night! Last night he woke up twice, ate, and went right back to sleep for four hours each time. We slept from 2am-noon... Thank you very much!

Thursday, Harland and Sean went to go watch the Cowboy game so Brandi and I hung out at her place... she took some really cute shots of Brodie and I with her new badass camera.

Friday, Harland and I went out while Lindsay watched little man, and she volunteered to watch him through the night! We warned her it wasn't easy, but she wanted to do it anyways. Do I have the best sister in the world or what?! We slept in the guestroom and every hour I woke up and walked by her door to see if he was crying, so I actually would have had better sleep if I would have slept with him myself. Oh well it was a good dose of birth control for her :) muahaha

Last night was Jess' 23rd birthday.. she had a Barbie and Ken themed party-- LOVE theme parties. I wore my old pink junior prom dress and went as evening gown Barbie. Good times. Wanted to stay longer but Lindsay was really tired from the night before so Amber took me home after an hour.

Another amazing turn of events: Harland says he's quitting smoking. This is basically the only thing we ever fight about... so if this were to magically happen, Harland would basically be superman. He has never lit up infront of me, but it breaks my heart to find lighters in his pants or when I can smell it on him. He says he's quitting because I hate it so much so it would mean the world to me if he went through with it. Cross your fingers!

1 comment:

  1. WAY - TO - GO, HARLAND !!! Best thing you'll ever do for yourself and your family & you got mega-prayer from me for the strength to "git 'r done"! Love ya . . . . . Nana
