Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Monday, August 31, 2009

Baby Boot Camp

I feel like I sit down every week to write and want to start: "MAN, what a week it's been!" Every week is a new adventure with the little one... and every week I want to say that this has been my favorite week with him so far. He is in what I call 'Baby Boot Camp' right now. I'm trying to transition him from the 2 1/2-3 hour feedings to 4, with 3-4 oz instead of 2-3. It's the first step in getting him to sleep through the night. Yesterday was his first real day of BBC and it wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be. Around hour 2 1/2 after his last feeding he started to get to get pretty fussy, because he's used to eating on demand... and now I'm trying to get away from that and get him on this schedule. This morning, I had to distract him from eating twice, for two hours both times to get him to eat at his 4 hour mark... (not very fun when your tired), but now that it's been 24 hours of this, he's doing amazing. There's been ZERO fussiness inbetween feedings, so that's basically 3 straight hours of a content baby! I'm so happy that I'm already seeing results. It's not the easiest thing to not give in, esp when your tired, but it'll be worth it when he's sleeping through the night! I bet he'll be sleeping at least 8 hours straight in a few weeks!

here's a sneak peak:
The amazing changing table/dresser/bookshelf that Harland made (I painted!) haha
The painting I did for him in his safari room

I was waiting for Harland to make the crib, but I figured it would take about 3 more months until he had time so I suprised him with one-- he was pretty relieved he didn't have to make it. Sonia painted the letters for one of his babyshower gifts! Pretty friggin amazing job.

He loves his mobile, thanks Abby!

His organized closet.. with clothes up till 2 years!

Let's see, what did we do this week...

Thursday I went back to work! I dropped Brodie off at his great grandma's and headed to work. It felt like the first day of school after summer break haha. It was great to see everyone, and great to not have to waddle around to get to my tables. Not so great to have rock hard boobs. I don't know what I'm going to do about pumping, I hope my managers are understanding about what I have to do... we'll see. Went back to pick up Bro man and he was KNOCKED out. Nanny must have put some rum in his bottle bc I was trying everything I could to wake him up to get some relief in my boobs. Putting a wet Qtip slightly in his ear finally worked. Then I picked up Linds and her friends from the highschool (WIERD) and took them back to my house to watch baby while Harland, Sonia, Nick, Omar, his gf, and I went to the new COWBOYS stadium to watch them practice.

Friday, after not being with baby all day, I really just wanted to stay with him--- so we all went to dinner with Sean, Brandi, Michele, Chase, and their parents.

looks like a gas smile... or maybe that he was in the company of huge boobs. and no, brandi still hasn't popped yet. c'mon Tucker!!

Sat was Nick's "Suprise" Birthday Party in Greenville... let's just say lot's of drama. LOTS. Sonia's sister was watching Brodie at her house so we went back there and spent the night.

Sunday we spent in recovery. In more ways than one.

Monday, Harland played hookey so we went to lunch with the Gonzales (we like them.. can you tell?) and then Main Event to whoop some ASS in shuffle board. Then I beat Harland in air hockey (shocker)... then moved over to shoot hoops. Total score: Harland 29, Nick 31, ME 41!! Not to toot my own horn but uh.. TOOT TOOT!! haha Nick's gonna be pissed when he reads this.

My babygirl Ily


Future husband and wife. hahaha

Today I had my 6 week check up... and I was suppose to have a biopsy on my cervix and to have Morena (sp?) put in. Well they didn't have it in their little chart that I was suppose to get either so I have to come back. I reaaally wanted to get that over with. And again, for more than one reason. :) Oh and to top it off, the doctor said, "Wow, you have really dark circles under your eyes!" Well jee, what a fun doctors visit that turned out to be.

Anyways, I'm waiting on Sonia to put up picks.. so check back in a few days for more on this blog.

Here's some funny pics of Bro Man...

He slept like this for 20 min straight... I guess he didn't want anyone touching his face

hahah sleep sitting

I was watching TV and all of a sudden I hear "MOM can I come play!?" and see this. I couldn't stop laughing.

1 comment:

  1. nursery looks great!
    those pics of me, however, not so great.
