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Thursday, August 13, 2009

soo sleeeepy

Wow what a week it's been! Extremely busy, a little stressful, exhausting, but great week.

We're gonna go in reverse order since this thing wont let me move the pictures around.

Sunday the 10 Most Wanted (Harlands softball team) won!

Celebrating with some beers

Me, Lindsay, Harland, and Joel went to the batting cages first to practice
What style. haha

They love to sleep like this

My mom and sister came over to babysit so I went out for the first time in almost a year!.. and had my first legal drink!

but after about 2 hours I was ready to go home to my baby

when I got home my mom had compleeeetely cleaned my house! Later on, they also got up with him in the middle of the night so me and Harland could catch up on some sleep... not to mention not be around him when I was buzzed. They were WONDERFUL. love you both!
Friday we went to the doctor (my moms office) to get his PKU shot

not a happy camper

Wednesday, one of my very best friends, Ty, came over to see the little man

in his safari room
Poor guy peed all over himself so we rushed him to the sink and Harland put him in this little tub while we got everything ready haha.
So the last few days have been pretty rough. His appetite has increased dramatically so he's been attached to my boobs every hour... and about every hour and a half at night. We were doing so well!... Going 5 hours without getting up and now this... man I wish it was the other way around. I ended up in tears the last few days because of his demand for food. He use to be so content when awake, and now just constant crying... and has been going HOURS without sleep- up to 7 hours at one time! So yesterday I just spent all day in bed with him, making the room as dark and quiet as possible and he napped like a champ (FINALLY) but I still ended up feeding him almost every hour... 14 times in total!
So Lee's Mom came in town and wanted to meet the baby, so we went over there (sleeping the whole time) and as soon as we got home around 11, couldn't get him to go to sleep till 4!! That was by far the worst night we've had. We tried EVERYTHING: vacuuming, putting him on the dryer in his carseat, swinging, singing, swaddeling, changing diapers, and a grand total of SEVEN feedings.. in FIVE hours! So we're thinking obviously he's not getting enough milk. I pumped and filled up a whole bottle in 10 minutes! Not the problem. Maybe there's something wrong with my milk. Gave him formula for the first time. Still crying. Not the problem.
The whole time I keep saying to Harland to go sleep in the other room and he keeps saying I'm not gonna leave you- I don't want you to have to do this alone... and I feel HORRIBLE. He gets up at 7am! So he had a total of 3 hours of sleep and then went to work in the hot sun all day. :( He is so amazing... I literally have tears in my eyes.
So needless to say we're exhausted... but I keep looking over at him and he warms my heart so much that in the end it's definitely all worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Sweetie! This is why the Lord gives babies to the young - you might feel like you're about to crater, but you won't. You are a lot stronger than you think & building strength for mommyhood every day. He is so precious and more beautiful every day! I love you . . . . . Nana
