Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Friday, September 25, 2009


I have been dying to catch yall up but I seem to never have the time anymore. Brodie is sleeping in his crib and I have the video monitor next to me so I think I can swing it right now. He has changed so much (I know I always say that but it's always true)!

Here's the biggest news: BRODIE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT! 10 hours straight!!! It hasn't been like that every night but last night he slept 8 hours, ate, and went right back to sleep so we are getting there! We are also officially on the schedule I have been working towards: 8am feeding and diaper changing then back to bed for the first nap, then wakes up around 10:30, outfit change and I have my breakfast and get the day started while he enjoys his bouncy chair, his swing, or lately the TV! 12pm his 2nd feeding and it's all about Brodie time. I've been trying non stop to get him to laugh and he's SO close! He was lying in bed with me taking a nap a few days ago and I was studying his face for a while... he kept making different faces (mostly smiles) and then let out a HUGE smile and a little giggle! At 2pm he takes his second nap. I've been trying to get him use to his crib so I put him in there for that nap. At 4pm is his 3rd feeding and I try to keep him up the whole time until his last one at 8pm. Daddy comes home around 5 and that's when we have family time and have dinner. After his last feeding at 8 I put him in his basinett and he goes right to sleep every time! He has been waking up one time from 8pm-8am! I use to feed him his whole bottle in the middle of the night but I'm trying to ween him off of it by using a half ounce less every 3 days. Eventually (hopefully) he won't wake up for a feeding. I'm also not letting him sleep with us in bed, as much as I want to, and I'm not picking him up when he cries in the middle of the night. Just food, music, and some shush's while I "pet" his head. As far as his food goes I could NOT be more frusterated and actually really upset. I'm working SO hard to make as much milk as I can for him and it's just not working. I'll breastfeed him and after he gets realllly upset because there just wasnt that much for him. At the same time, he eats like a mad man (he's up to 6 oz! He's 2 months old people!). Or I'll pump and add that to the formula bottle... It's basically 1-2 oz of breastmilk and 4-5 of formula. I seriously want to cry thinking about it, bc I never wanted him to have formula. It's madning how hard I'm trying and getting barely ANYTHING!

Last Monday we went to Brandi and Seans to cook them some of Harlands AMAZING tacos... I (as Sean said) must have had tape worms in my stomach bc i ate SEVEN while everyone else got full off of 2 or 3. Here's a pic of my strong man at S&B's holding his head up.

Last weekend I went out for Kamwin's 21st bday at Pete's Piano Bar with Sonia, it was a blast! I love that place! Somewhere in the mix I lost my phone... Sonia called it and we heard it in my car, yet couldn't find it ANYWHERE. It ended up dying that night so we couldnt hear it, and when I got home Harland searched for it everywhere and couldn't find it. So if you've tried calling... sry! You can leave me a vm with your number though! Sonia's gonna let me borrow her old one until I get another so I'll have it back on soon. Anyways, the next morning we went to go pick up Brodie from Steph's house (who is a SAINT!).. here's the pics she took.

And some random pics:

(That's Harland under there... I was washing the sheets and he wouldn't wake up so I could put it under him. Sooo.. I just put it over him. He didn't wake up till 5am! And when he woke up he said "Baaabe, why didnt you take off my jeans?" haha I guess he didn't care about the sheet over his head.

He was having tummy time and fell asleep. haha

Sancy caught a smile! Speaking of, we woke up to my roomates car COVERED in white paint, shaving cream, and baby powder! Can you believe someone would be so evil?! I can't wait to MOVE!

Sonia's bday dinner and girls night is tonight! Can't wait! And Michael's first bday party is tomorrow! Fun weekend!
So you're probably wondering why I titled this it's a girl... No, I'm not pregnant--- but my best friend, Amber, is!! I had a dream that I went w her to see what the sex was and it was a boy. Then they went and checked again and it was the umbilical cord-- so it was really a girl! I called Amber and told her she was going to have a girl, then she went to the doc's office and found out it was a boy. She came over and I was like, I'm telling you, it's a girl, Amber! Well she just went back to make sure.. and I was right!! It happened exactly like in my dream. I swear, I can see the future through my dreams! haha. We can't wait to meet you, baby Marley!

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