Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Friday, January 22, 2010


I just remembered how I met you!

I was babysitting at someones house I think in 8th grade. All of a sudden I hear something loud in the backyard so I go out to see what it was and you were mowing their lawn! I was like wow, what a cutie! hahah!

A few months later I went with Jordan to a East game I saw you. I was like weren't you that "cute" guy mowing their lawn? I was sooo embarrased that I let that slip!

I just can't stop thinking about this...


I remember...

Spending the night at Vince's and we stayed up all night laughing and having a blast... I believe that was our first...and only kiss. haha.

Vlada's "3 night" party where everyone camped out for days at her house and you and I talked about...everything till about 4 in the morning. Oh and the pictures I have from that night are PRICELESS. Still to this day that was one of the best nights of my life!

finding and running to you in the hallway... bc all I have are memories of you always making me feel better.

Coming in town from college and going to your parents house... hanging out with all the boys, drinking beer, and wearing that OU shirt that you LOVED. haha.

Going over to your apt and you blarring music, thinking you were a badass. (but weren't you?)

Countless nights chillin in your backyard, then watching you get on that stupid motorcyle that took your life.

I wish I would have hugged you a little longer while I had the chance.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


So for those who don't know, I'm in school to become a Sonographer or Ultrasound Diagnostic Tech. In class we are learning about abortions and I am just not myself right now. I've always been Pro-Life, I've written countless essays on abortion, and my grandma even marches infront of Abortion Mills and because of her she's saved a few babies lives!

Now remember people, this is my blog and I am free to express myself fully... so if you don't like what I'm saying then don't read it. It just says a lot about your character.

Now one thing I didn't know about abortion is that as early as 4 weeks old, a fetus can FEEL their hands and legs being severed. How can someone possibly say that they are not a human? As early as 8 weeks the fetus has every single organ developed in their body, yet women are allowed to have abortions up until their SECOND trimester?! If that's not murder, I'm not sure what is. Not to mention murdering your own flesh and blood... someone who has a very good chance of looking a lot like yourself! So what if the baby isn't planned, it may not have been planned by you but God had a plan for them. He/she had a whole life mapped out for him and because of their selfish, self-centered parent, they will never know what was in store for them. They're in Heaven, wishing that their mother could join them one day but without repentence and asking God for forgivness, unfortunately that will never happen. (Again, fully entitled to my opinion.)

If ANYONE has any questions about abortion or is considering it, please PLEASE talk to me or someone that is knowledgable about the subject. Or even take some time to fully understand what you're doing to your BABY and even to yourself! I know at least 3 people that had abortions because they "weren't ready" and later on in life when they were ready, they couldn't have any children simply because of the abortion. That child still has a right to live, even if it's not with you. Adoption is one of the most respectable and selfless things I can think of, if you're not ready, someone else is. Not all pregnancies are planned, and yes I was scared when I got pregnant... I had many fears mostly about being able to afford a child, about me going back to school, about me not being married... but once I saw my beautiful baby boy, those worries all went away! If God puts you to it, he will get you through it. And He has. Brodie is BY FAR the best thing that has EVER happened to me. I never could have known what he could bring to my life while I was pregnant, and I never would have if I had aborted (which TRUST me..never entered my mind.) I would have been a completly empty shell. In fact, most of the people I know that had abortions use that exact description...bc I don't know one person that didn't regret their desicion. If you feel that you could ever have an abortion GET ON BIRTHCONTROL...and keep these pics burned in your memory.

Abortion Video

As I was looking up abortion sites, I came across something that absolutely disgusted me. A letter from Planned Parenthood saying how abortion is not shameful....and how to buy an "I had an Abortion"...and apparently proud T-Shirt.

Have you ever seen anything more revolting? If I saw someone wearing that shirt, there would be trouble.

For those of my friends who had abortions, if you truely regret your decision please ask God for forgivness. I'm sorry if I offended you, but I am more passionate about this than almost any other subject matter.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sweet, Sweet Lovin!

As you may have seen on Facebook, we had some hard times in the last few weeks. If I were to tell myself a year ago about everything that I am doing these days, there is no way I would believe....myself. I feel like I'm going 100 miles an hour, every minute of the day. School, Brodie, cleaning, Brodie, Work, Harland, study. So on Saturday I basically think of that day as Family Day. However lately it's been me at home playing with B as well as studying, you know, alone. To make a long story short, I've been upset that Harland basically has not been putting his family as his #1 priority. (There's more to it, but we'll keep it at that.) I spent a few days at my moms to basically let him know that I'm not going to continue to stay home and wait for him all night while he does what he pleases. Families don't work that way. At least mine isn't going to. I already barely get to see him and when you add that on top of it... basically I had just had enough. So he asked me to talk, and promised me things would be different. Once you're a mother or father your night life HAS to change. Yes you can still go out once and a while but the way it's been for him is far exceeding that limit.
Our relationship since our talk has dramatically changed. I haven't seen this side of him since before I was pregnant. He's been absolutely amazing, having meals waiting for me when I come home from work (and I do the same for him when I don't have to work), sending me sweet txts again, being tounchy feely, constantly kissing me and hugging on me, and just being CONSIDERATE. This is definitely the guy I fell in love with. I hadn't really even realized how much things have changed since we have not been able to put our relationship first, but now that we're really concentrating on it, I am extremely happy. :)

While we were going through our funk, me and my girls got together and vented.

All I did was send them a message saying I was upset and the next day they all made time to meet with meto make sure I was ok. Have I mentioned how much I LOOOOVE my girls?! This Saturday we're going to AUSTIN for Lyns' bday and to get the heck outta Dallas... I can't friggin wait! I haven't been back since I moved (besides for a few hours for my babyshower)! I can't wait to see my bridesmaid MEGAN and the boy I use to nanny for, Hunter.
School is going great, here's my grades so far:
On Anatomy tests: 97, 98, 100!!! I've turned in all my homeworks so I have 100 for that.
I haven't gotten my research paper grade yet but so far I have the highest grade in my class!
Brodie is just as amazing as ever. His mean ol' teeth won't leave him alone but he's still happy as can be. I constantly miss him but I'm doing this for him to have a better life. I know it will be worth it one day.
Monica (H's mom) is life-saving! I just LOVE her! She couldn't be sweeter or more helpful. I seriously would lose my mind if it weren't for her!
So recap: life is busy, but I really couldn't be happier!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Oh Blog, how I've missed you! This has been suuuch a busy month.. probobly more than any other month of my life! Let's start with my birthday...

Harland can NEVER wait to give me gifts so right at midnight I got a cake, perfum, a card, and a dozen roses. (Sry, nothing will compare to what I got him for his bday...or more like what I had to do to get it, but we'll get to that.)

We were waaay broke so all we did that night was go to the movies.

That Friday Sonia, David, and I went to S4 (my first time!) I have to say that might have been the MOST fun I've ever had at a club before. We sat down to watch the drag show and I was called on stage. The tranny was friggin hilarious. After a few Incredible Hulk's (my new fave drink: Hennesy & Hypnotic), we met up with Kenny... and I gotta admit I don't really remember much else. Looking at pics the next morning kind of filled in some blanks... and it looked like I was having a BLAST!

The next morning I woke up to this. I really do have it all.

I got up to get ready for Amber's Babyshower and woooow it was hard. Harland made me a bloody mary to get rid of my hangover and luckily it helped. Amber picked me up and off we went to her babyshower. Jess did an AMAZING job! The decorations were awesome. It was a great turn out, I hope she had a blast!

That night we went out again for my bday. (My bday is a week long event.) All the Coppell people, Harland, and I went to Madison Ave. (I think that's what it was called.) It was a great bar, but not when you have a bunch of ppl with you... it was waaay too crowded.
Harland and I argued about the norm (smoking) so I didn't have that great of a time.

We talked the next morning and he told me he's going to make a better effort to quit and that's all I can hope for. As of now he's only smoked a few times so I'm really proud of him.
A few days later...
We went to go get pics of B with santa (I will upload them later) and we invited Alyssa, Charlie, and Maddox to go with us. He is seriously adorable... and such a happy baby. I wish we had more time to get together with all of them, I just love them!

OK this might be the funniest pic I've ever seen.

The next day we went to his brothers house for an early XMAS while his grandparents were in town. Brodie got his first xmas present, a blow up penguin that wobbles and camo overalls.

Monday, Dec. 14
Harlands Bday & my first day at Sanford Brown! We both couldn't sleep at all that night and when we woke up at 6 I was dead. I don't remember the last time I had to wake up that early... besides to tend to Brodie. I got on my scrubs and headed to meet Aunt Michele to drop Brodie off. She greated me with Starbucks and off I went to my first day of school. The drive is another thing I'm not use to. With dropping B off, it's an hour drive. Gross. When I got to school I had a 5 hour energy shot and wooow did I regret that later. I'm not a coffee person, so I was sick to my stomach... it literally felt like it was in knots, but I also felt like I wanted to do laps around the school.
I went to Michele's to pick up B and my breaks go out, while he is in the car! I pull over and have Michele take him back to my house. When we get back to the house, Nick and Sonia were there setting up the 32" flat screen TV that I waited in line for 6 hours to get on black Friday! He walked in and was veery excited! He wasn't excited, however, about working on my car the rest of the night so that I could go to school the next day. He was so sweet about it, didn't care that the only thing he did on his bday was go to work and then work on my car ALL NIGHT. Anyways, the next 2 days I dropped B off at Sonia's and Thursday Steph watched him. (I have the BEST friends in the world!)
So here's the breakdown with my school... It's an 11 month accelerated program. I'm taking EIGHTEEN classes worth 2.5 credits!! That's like taking at least 7 classes a semester at any other school. Only 4 is concidered full term. The only way I'm able to do that is because you take only 2 classes every month (M-T for 5 hours a day) and then you're done. I love it this way bc I can concentrate on only 2 classes at a time. So my first class is Medical Terms and Anatomy. I love it! My teacher looks like the dad from American Pie and everyone can barely understand him but I'm beginning to realize that his D's are P's, B's are V's and S's and C's always start with an E. (That was very confusing at first...we were constantly asking him to repeat things.)
My next class is retarded. Student Success. I think I have like 3 retard classes throughout the year... oh well, easy A.
The next weekend I had lunch with my sister, her bf, Brodie, and my gma at the Rainforest Cafe. Then Nana and I went shopping (haven't been shopping in a YEAR people!!) All I got was winter things for Brodie but I still had a blast. I've never been able to buy him really anything so that was a blast. Nana got him his first XMAS ornament, it's adorable. Then I met up with my mom and brother at the skate park in Grapevine Mills and watched my bro show off...

The next day we all went to my Gmas to celebrate mine, Harlands, and my bros bdays. Man, bdays are just not what they use to be when you have a child!

Speaking of....
here's my adorable baby boy

taking a shower with mom... one of my absolute favorite things.

The night before XMas Eve we went to PFChangs... our 3rd date since we've had B. He wasn't feeling well so we made it a short dinner and went back home. Around 1am I started wimpering and H asked whats wrong... and I RAN to the bathroom. He's like holy crap what is WRONG with you!? The only time I've ever thrown up since I've known H (and in the last 8 years besides one drunken time in Erica's car) is when I was pregnant. I was really freaked out. I've never once in my life gotten up to throw up. I went back to bed and thirty minutes later threw up again. This happened 5 times from 1-5am, Harland rubbing my back everytime even though he had to go to work the next morning. I just told myself to fall asleep so that I would stop... and I did until Brodie woke up at 7. I told H he didn't have to go to work and he was sooo relieved. He told me I should take a shower to feel better and I did... I sat down in the shower for an hour and tried to just sleep. As soon as I thought I would feel better I got out and the second I felt that cold air I was back to where I started from. I layed on my bathroom rug for an hour. I've never felt so sick in my life. I was shaking and had the worst nausea I've ever felt. All I could do was curse PFChangs over and over again. I went back to bed and a few hours later I was absolutely fine! I had thrown up absolutely everything so I guess whatever it was was out of my system. Thank God because a few hours later we were meeting up with my whole family.
Christmas Eve it snowed!! The whole family went to church together and the walk to the chappel was HORRIBLE. It was snowing and FREEZING... B didn't seem to mind at all though. After church we went back to my gmas for dinner and presents.

my fave family pic
all the grandkids. they were about to take the pic without me... I guess they forgot that I was one!
My fave present he got!
That night I read him a christmas story (which I will every year) and we all slept by the fire on the couch together and waited for Santa!

We woke up and I said MEEERRRY CHRISTMAS to Brodie and it was like he knew what I was talking about, he was sooo excited!
Here's B Man after opening his present from Jamie (the woman I use to nanny for.. that was so sweet of her to think of us!)
Right after opening presents, we went to my Moms and opened more and had an amazing Christmas lunch.

His family came over to our house afterward and the girls WHOOPED the boys in some board games. (H's dad went to the hospital the night before. He had a heart attack but is doing better thanks to everyones prayers!)
That night we left for our cabin in Ruidoso, New Mexico. We all drove together (Nick, Sonia, Brodie, H and I) but Brodie and I slept pretty much the whole time. We got there around noon and basically slept till dinner.
Here's B excited to be out of his carseat!
This is my nana's cabin and she was suppose to meet us there a few days later but she didn't end up coming till the night before we Brodster came with us everywhere, including skiing!
I stayed home so they could go snowboarding the day before so I could study, so the next day Harland, Sonia, and I took turns staying w B in the lodge.

The last time we went there wasn't much snow so many of the lifts weren't open... but this time was amazing. We were at almost 12,000 feet and skiied down 2,500 feet at one time!
The next day it snowed... and here is the famous pic of Brodie that I sent everyone.

The view from our back porch

H and Sonia had never made a snowman so...
The next day we went to town to shop

We took a pic here 2 years ago

We went skiing again once Nana got to the cabin but it was the day after it snowed and I was miserably cold. My toes were frozen and we went all the way to the top again and that was definitely a mistake. I told H we HAD to go warm up and I went to get by the fire and as soon as I got my feet out of my shoes, my toes started BURNING. There were probobly 700 ppl in this lodge and I straight out cried I was in so much pain. The blood rushing to my toes was unbearable. H was holding me and I didn't care at allll that I looked like an idiot. After that I was done. I basically skiied half a day and payed for a lot more. I went to the car and studied while everyone else skiied. A few hours later Sonia gets to the car crying and shaking and said she just threw up infront of everyone in the lodge. Nick said he felt like shit. We sat there for 30 min being miserable waiting for H, and he walks up all smiles saying he just skiied all the way down 3 times by himself. In the FREEEZING cold blizzard.
Mad man.
We went home, relaxed, and then got on the road again for Dallas.
We told scary stories as we got into Roswell which freaked me the F out. Brodie and I slept again and we got into D around 7am on NYE.
We slept all day and then dropped B off at my grandmas. We went to Dustins and played games and got waisty faced. I don't remember the ball dropping or our kiss.
We went to pick up B at 11 the next morning and she said she had a blast with him. She had never had him overnight so they had no idea what an easy baby he is. Sleeps all night and has a bottle at 7, then goes back to sleep till 10.
So the Monday we got back was my first test. I studied like a crazy person. My whoooole break I was hitting the books... so if I didn't get an A, I was going to cry. I got a 97!! He said the highest grade was a 97 and the whole class starts freaking out... "who the hell got a 97?!" I just put up my hands and gave a little "Whoot whoot!!" hahaha. I just hope I can keep it up! I am going to graduate at the top of my class.... period. There are about 120 ppl in the Medical Assisting Program and I have no doubt in my mind I can be #1. I want to be able to say that I was valedictorian when I go to job interviews. Man that makes me so excited to think about that.
Here's some even better news: Harlands Mom moved in with us! I know you're thinking, "you're excited your MIL moved in with you!?" Y-E-S yesss. She is amazing. I don't have to take B anywhere in the mornings which is the biggest plus, but I get home and my house is also CLEAN! With school, work, Brodie, and trying to have a LIFE, I have had NO time to clean. Plus Xmas presents and going on vacay it was pretty bad. Don't get me wrong, that's not the only reason I love having her there... she is such a joy to be around! She's very easy going and sweet and loving... and when she see's that I need to study, or really have my hands busy she keeps him busy. Everything is working out amazingly!!
In the world of Bro Man:
-he is officially sitting on his own
-he can already stand for a few seconds

-he's been able to roll over both ways for about a month!
-and good Lord he finally found his feet!
-that wasn't the only thing he found! hahah

hahahah he'll kill me for that one day. o well.

I hope everyone had a very merry CHRISTmas and has a great year in 2010!! I know I will! :)