Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Friday, January 22, 2010


I remember...

Spending the night at Vince's and we stayed up all night laughing and having a blast... I believe that was our first...and only kiss. haha.

Vlada's "3 night" party where everyone camped out for days at her house and you and I talked about...everything till about 4 in the morning. Oh and the pictures I have from that night are PRICELESS. Still to this day that was one of the best nights of my life!

finding and running to you in the hallway... bc all I have are memories of you always making me feel better.

Coming in town from college and going to your parents house... hanging out with all the boys, drinking beer, and wearing that OU shirt that you LOVED. haha.

Going over to your apt and you blarring music, thinking you were a badass. (but weren't you?)

Countless nights chillin in your backyard, then watching you get on that stupid motorcyle that took your life.

I wish I would have hugged you a little longer while I had the chance.

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