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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sweet, Sweet Lovin!

As you may have seen on Facebook, we had some hard times in the last few weeks. If I were to tell myself a year ago about everything that I am doing these days, there is no way I would believe....myself. I feel like I'm going 100 miles an hour, every minute of the day. School, Brodie, cleaning, Brodie, Work, Harland, study. So on Saturday I basically think of that day as Family Day. However lately it's been me at home playing with B as well as studying, you know, alone. To make a long story short, I've been upset that Harland basically has not been putting his family as his #1 priority. (There's more to it, but we'll keep it at that.) I spent a few days at my moms to basically let him know that I'm not going to continue to stay home and wait for him all night while he does what he pleases. Families don't work that way. At least mine isn't going to. I already barely get to see him and when you add that on top of it... basically I had just had enough. So he asked me to talk, and promised me things would be different. Once you're a mother or father your night life HAS to change. Yes you can still go out once and a while but the way it's been for him is far exceeding that limit.
Our relationship since our talk has dramatically changed. I haven't seen this side of him since before I was pregnant. He's been absolutely amazing, having meals waiting for me when I come home from work (and I do the same for him when I don't have to work), sending me sweet txts again, being tounchy feely, constantly kissing me and hugging on me, and just being CONSIDERATE. This is definitely the guy I fell in love with. I hadn't really even realized how much things have changed since we have not been able to put our relationship first, but now that we're really concentrating on it, I am extremely happy. :)

While we were going through our funk, me and my girls got together and vented.

All I did was send them a message saying I was upset and the next day they all made time to meet with meto make sure I was ok. Have I mentioned how much I LOOOOVE my girls?! This Saturday we're going to AUSTIN for Lyns' bday and to get the heck outta Dallas... I can't friggin wait! I haven't been back since I moved (besides for a few hours for my babyshower)! I can't wait to see my bridesmaid MEGAN and the boy I use to nanny for, Hunter.
School is going great, here's my grades so far:
On Anatomy tests: 97, 98, 100!!! I've turned in all my homeworks so I have 100 for that.
I haven't gotten my research paper grade yet but so far I have the highest grade in my class!
Brodie is just as amazing as ever. His mean ol' teeth won't leave him alone but he's still happy as can be. I constantly miss him but I'm doing this for him to have a better life. I know it will be worth it one day.
Monica (H's mom) is life-saving! I just LOVE her! She couldn't be sweeter or more helpful. I seriously would lose my mind if it weren't for her!
So recap: life is busy, but I really couldn't be happier!

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