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Thursday, January 21, 2010


So for those who don't know, I'm in school to become a Sonographer or Ultrasound Diagnostic Tech. In class we are learning about abortions and I am just not myself right now. I've always been Pro-Life, I've written countless essays on abortion, and my grandma even marches infront of Abortion Mills and because of her she's saved a few babies lives!

Now remember people, this is my blog and I am free to express myself fully... so if you don't like what I'm saying then don't read it. It just says a lot about your character.

Now one thing I didn't know about abortion is that as early as 4 weeks old, a fetus can FEEL their hands and legs being severed. How can someone possibly say that they are not a human? As early as 8 weeks the fetus has every single organ developed in their body, yet women are allowed to have abortions up until their SECOND trimester?! If that's not murder, I'm not sure what is. Not to mention murdering your own flesh and blood... someone who has a very good chance of looking a lot like yourself! So what if the baby isn't planned, it may not have been planned by you but God had a plan for them. He/she had a whole life mapped out for him and because of their selfish, self-centered parent, they will never know what was in store for them. They're in Heaven, wishing that their mother could join them one day but without repentence and asking God for forgivness, unfortunately that will never happen. (Again, fully entitled to my opinion.)

If ANYONE has any questions about abortion or is considering it, please PLEASE talk to me or someone that is knowledgable about the subject. Or even take some time to fully understand what you're doing to your BABY and even to yourself! I know at least 3 people that had abortions because they "weren't ready" and later on in life when they were ready, they couldn't have any children simply because of the abortion. That child still has a right to live, even if it's not with you. Adoption is one of the most respectable and selfless things I can think of, if you're not ready, someone else is. Not all pregnancies are planned, and yes I was scared when I got pregnant... I had many fears mostly about being able to afford a child, about me going back to school, about me not being married... but once I saw my beautiful baby boy, those worries all went away! If God puts you to it, he will get you through it. And He has. Brodie is BY FAR the best thing that has EVER happened to me. I never could have known what he could bring to my life while I was pregnant, and I never would have if I had aborted (which TRUST me..never entered my mind.) I would have been a completly empty shell. In fact, most of the people I know that had abortions use that exact description...bc I don't know one person that didn't regret their desicion. If you feel that you could ever have an abortion GET ON BIRTHCONTROL...and keep these pics burned in your memory.

Abortion Video

As I was looking up abortion sites, I came across something that absolutely disgusted me. A letter from Planned Parenthood saying how abortion is not shameful....and how to buy an "I had an Abortion"...and apparently proud T-Shirt.

Have you ever seen anything more revolting? If I saw someone wearing that shirt, there would be trouble.

For those of my friends who had abortions, if you truely regret your decision please ask God for forgivness. I'm sorry if I offended you, but I am more passionate about this than almost any other subject matter.


  1. I believe that you are truly entitled to your opinion. I have also known you and I know that you are very very passionate about this situation. But sometimes britt, there is reasons that you cannot have a child. Some people do not have the luxury of having family to help them out, or the babys dad to help them, or even a minimum income job to help them. Sometimes, people do not trust adoption agencies. Yes, adoption is an option, but why bring a child into this world and then let it go to an adoption agency when you have no idea who or what kind of crazy sick person can get their hands on the kid.

    Some people have more than just "I'm not ready" as a reason to go through with getting an abortion. For me, I had no choice. I had no family to help me out, the dad was a dead beat and denied the child even though we were together for years. I had no job, and was living with a friend ON THEIR COUCH. There is no way I could of let a child come into this world.

    You of all people should understand that when you are pregnant you know after the 9 months you cannot just let your child go into adoption. There are child molestors who can go get a baby, with no questions asked. Why do i think that, because it has been a proven fact. I am not going off foster homes, I am going off of the countless children who get abused and molested because the adoption agency let the child into the wrong hands. If the sick person has not been caught and has no record then there is no way to prove that they have or have not done anything sexual to a child. Not someone who is 16 or 17, I am talking the sick ones who prey on 3, 4, 5, 6 year olds.

    Im not saying you have no right to state your opinion, especially on your blog. But just remember, some people are not in a state in which they can bring a child into this world. Some people have no way to afford the care of a child. I love kids. Have worked with them since we were in middle school, and I knew I could not bring a kid into this world and I knew from what I have heard from the news, and friends who were adopted and abused that I could not put my child in an adoption agency. Yes I will admit, the abortion is the most upsetting, scariest thing you will ever go through. When you are done, you feel like you lost a part of you. But if you did it for the reasons I stated above, then you should understand that yes it hurts and it sucks that you had to do this, but your child will be passed along to someone who is more than ready and capable to take care of them. I think people who get abortions because they are hoes and just sleep around without condoms are ridiculous. I know that when I went I overheard a girl saying this was her 5th time that year, it was only April. 5 abortions from January to April is just plan heartless. So yes, people like the girl I heard have problems and should deal with their mistakes. But some people cannot do it. For more than just the money, but there could be a disease wrong, or they could of been on drugs and got off and realized that they were pregnant while on drugs and did not want a baby addicted to crack. There are plenty of logical reasons why people get abortions. The "I'm not ready" card is something young people pull to make themselves feel better.

    This is just a little in site for you to understand, that not all people use the "I wasn't ready for a kid" card. Some people actually have no choice.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Okay, I wasn't going to comment on this until after I read this comment by the "anonymous person".. plus u know I don't really like to keep my mouth shut.
    I agree with you 110% Brittany.
    I am totally pro-life and after having a child of my own I can't fathom why some people choose abortion.
    I think the fact that she said "I had no choice" is a crock of shit.
    You had a choice to have sex and get pregnant, even though you were clearly not ready for the outcome if you DID get pregnant.
    You had a choice to go into that abortion clinic as opposed to an adoption agency.
    Do you know what it requires to adopt a child?
    It is not a short process honey, it takes months, and sometimes YEARS. You have to go through multiple home studies where an adoption agent comes to your house, you have to go through the most thorough background checks and so on. They aren't just giving away children to anybody these days.
    These people are very highly investigated and thorough.
    I highly doubt that anyone willing to go through that entire process is a child molester, but you're right, there MIGHT be.
    But not so much to where you should be scared to give your child to an adoption agency that has their best interest at heart!
    You weren't scared to abort the child.. but you were scared of someone taking them into their home and loving them?
    Calling the kettle black there if I do say so myself.

    And if you didn't read, this is Brittany's blog and she is entitled to her opinion. Maybe you shouldn't have commented if you didn't agree.

    This is why I don't touch on these subjects on my blog, because this kind of stuff just gets my blood boiling.

  4. damn i really wanna know who the first one is! someone from ms who obviously didn't tell me about their abortion bc i have no clue who that is. sounds like someone who i am close to which is really confusing to me.

    anyways if my sister (who is 15) were to get pregnant she would have NO WAY IN HELL to raise that baby and i wouldn't want her to struggle for years bc of having a baby. i would want her to go through an adoption agency and pick out a family from those who are infertile. i think that's why God gives us babies to those who aren't ready, so that we can give them to the ppl that are dying to have their own children and cant... while ppl who can are killing them.

    i bet you a million dollars if you could ask that baby would you want to be adopted by a family who wants a child so badly that they're willing to raise and love someone who isn't their own blood...or to never have the chance to see a smiling face, get a first kiss, graduate highschool, be loved by someone uncontrolably, have children of their own...or even to breathe air? what do you think the child would choose?

    just some food for thought.

  5. the pictures you posted are graphic. i don't care if you're pro-life or pro-choice, you're irresponsible for posting something like that on a PUBLIC blog. And to be honest with doesn't sound like you were ready to have a baby either. You did it quite backwards and now you're sacrificing the most formative years with your child because you chose to get pregnant too soon. "I'm doing this to better Brodie's life." Really? You're doing him a dis-service and would have been better off going to school FIRST, getting married FIRST and then having a child. I respect your pro-life stance, but think you're absolutely judgmental.

  6. Brittany. I don't know you, you don't know me, and quite honestly I don't know how I came across your blog, but you are 920802348% right about the abortion issue. After reading a couple of your posts, I have come to the conclusion that you might be one of the most inspirational young people that I have ever heard about. Yes, you have it rough, but you are doing everything in your power to provide a positive world for your baby. It is awesome to see someone who took what could be a horrible situation, find the positive, and embrace it. Brodie is a handsome little guy and SO fortunate to have such a dedicated mommy. God Bless.
