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Friday, February 5, 2010

Here Comes the Bride!!

That's right people... we are finally putting together a wedding! I can't believe it... I'm actually planning a wedding! I'm getting MARRIED! I'm also pretty sure it's going to be Labor Day weekend this year! I can't tell you how excited I am! My grandma has a veryyy wealthy friend who has 5 acres of land and Harland and I are going to go look at it on Saturday to see if we would like to have our reception there. This way we don't have to pay for a place to have it and we can bring in our own food and alcohol! We also talked to our Pastor at church on Sunday and we are going to go to pre-marital counceling and he will most likely marry us. I'm not sure where the wedding will be but it WILL be at a church.

So now the whole Bridesmaids thing is driving me crazy. I have so many good friends and I can't decide who to choose! It's going to be 6 or 7 bc that's how many best friends Harland has. So here's my list of girls:

-Sonia (Matron of Honor)
-Lindsay (Maid of Honor)

-Amber Coughlin
-Katie Svetina
-Megan Cooper
-Erica Rondon
-Kelsy Hogendobler
-Erinn Moody
-Lynsey Marvin
-Jordan Beasley
-Krysten Cabel
-Hailee Handy

So basically 5 of my best girls won't be in it. Is there anything that the rest of the girls can do in the wedding??

To the girls above... if yall can help me come up w a way to decide please let me know! I'm seriously torn!!

I would also like Kenny Leddy, Ty Connor, and Tyler Dumar to be Ushers. :)

I've pretty much decided the main color is going to be tangerine.. so here you are ladies.. these are my faves so far:

And drumroll please.... the dress of my DREAMS!

Seriously, can't think of anything I'd like more... except for it to not be $1,500!! :( I told Harland (expecting him to freak out) and he said you should have the dress you really want! I was like whaaaat?? My Mom and Nana said they would pitch in for the dress so maybe I wouldn't have to spend THAT much! I would DIE if I got this dress! I actually really didn't even care that much about the dress until I saw this one.

Ok more about the wedding later... now to catch you up with everything from the past month.

(I found these pics on my gmas camera...)

All three of our bdays

Papa and Brodie
learning to sit up
My moms boyfriends 2 out of 3 beautiful daughters (I love B's face in this pic)
Babyshower w the girls from Harlands family. (future Mother in Law, Monica)
Monica, H's Cousin Tracy, Aunt Lynette, and Cousin Sara
H's Aunts Shelly and Missy meeting Brodie, and Grandma Ann
taking B on a stroller ride...wish the weather was more permitting so we could do it more often!

does he not look like 2 years old in this pic!

Cousins at Aunt Micheles

Trying to crawl
hahaha bitter beer face
standing by himself!

watching Backyardigans!
his best friend, Ace

That cat is so sweet it's rediculous
Taking a nap w Dada

Poor baby had RSV (Respitory Virus) so he was on breathing treatments for 2 weeks

2 weeks later at his 6 month well check up... doing a lot better! 20 lbs. almost 28 inches. The doctor could not get over what a happy little guy he was! Even after his shots, the second I picked him up he was LAUGHING. He is also clapping, and when the doc saw him she was blown away!

Yes, unfortunately we are related. hahah jk love you sis.
Went out to eat at Cheesecake Factory with my amazing Nana last night and had fun talking about the wedding :)

Mommy got to stay home on the snow day!! Took B outside for about 3 minutes before we froze our buns off. What happened to global warming?! I am SICK of the cold weather and I saw enough snow for years.

School is going good... pretty friggin sick of the constant studying but it's paying off! I've had almost 10 tests in 2 months and the lowest grade I've had so far is a 96! I'm almost done with this mod (mod is 2 classes a month) so I almost have 12 credits in 2 months! I use to do that in 5 months.

Harland and I are doing great, better than we've been since before I was pregnant! Now if we just had money, life would be perfect!

I'm working 4 days a week right now instead of 2 to catch up with things and save a little for the wedding.

We're having to move to afford a cheaper place unfortunately, but I'm looking forward to not having to pay $2,000 for rent and bills. I have NO idea where we're moving to but hopefully somewhere closer to school bc the hour long drive is KILLING me.

I guess there's no other news to report... hope everyone has a great rest of the week! And Amber, we're praying that baby comes SOON!! C'Mon Kendal!!! :)


  1. Hey girl I left you an award on my blog. Check it!

  2. That is so exciting girl!! I love the tangerine and the wedding dress you want is GOREGOUS! Makes me wanna remarry my hubby and have another wedding so I can play dress up!
