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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

To whom it may concern,

Someone posted this on my blog...

Anonymous said...
"the pictures you posted are graphic. i don't care if you're pro-life or pro-choice, you're irresponsible for posting something like that on a PUBLIC blog. And to be honest with doesn't sound like you were ready to have a baby either. You did it quite backwards and now you're sacrificing the most formative years with your child because you chose to get pregnant too soon. "I'm doing this to better Brodie's life." Really? You're doing him a dis-service and would have been better off going to school FIRST, getting married FIRST and then having a child. I respect your pro-life stance, but think you're absolutely judgmental."

Seriously i want to vomit. No, obviously Brodie was not planned but THANK GOD he came into my life because I have never had so much joy or felt so much love in my life. Yes, I very much wish I would have been married first and if we had the money to get married we would be married right now! I knew I was going to marry Harland the week we met. As far as school goes, since we are POOR as can be, luckily being able to buy Brodie's food bc of WIC, using cloth diapers so we don't have to constantly buy new ones, doing every little thing to just pay our bills right now, I would be doing a "disservice" by continuing to just wait tables. Let me remind you, whoever you are, that I took in my 15 year old sister without any outside help, and Harlands mom who pays rent by watching Brodie while I go to school. I would be doing him a "disservice" by not trying as hard as I can to make a better life for him, and at this point it's not just to give him the finer things in life, it's to keep a sturdy roof over his head, or to be able to keep my electricity on. I have bawled alone in my car countless times when I come home from school, have about 2-3 hours with him, then have to go straight to work. Do you think this is the life I imagined for myself or for my child? HELL no. But if I don't do something about it now then I will be living like this for a LONG time versus just 2 years. Luckily I only have that schedule twice a week, then the rest of the week I get to see him about 5 hours, and some glorious Fridays I get to spend all day with him.

As much as that hurts to hear that, it's nothing compared to the fact that you seem to think I should have had an ABORTION bc I didn't have my ducks in a row? Yes, I'm sure he would have prefered not having the chance to live versus spending time with him grandma, then myself, and then Harland. To me, I think that's a lot better than the working moms who have to take them to daycare!! (Not that anything is wrong with daycare...but I'm having a hard time seeing why him being with his family all day is doing him such a disservice.)

To tell you the truth, I didn't think it was going to be easy or even possible for me to get pregnant. I have Endometriosis which, for some women, means never being able to have children. When I found out I was pregnant, the LAST thing I thought of was throwing away such an AMAZING gift that God obviously really wanted me to have, or he never would have given him to me. And I can already see why...he's made my life so much more worth living. Whoever wrote that is obviously not a mother bc no one who has ever felt that kind of love would ever say that.

Alright, I feel better. Definitely needed to vent after reading that!


  1. Wow, what a hurtful thing for somebody to say to you or to anybody who didn't do things the 'perfect way'. Of course we would have all liked to have gotten a degree, started a fabulous career then married and children. BUT things happens. You deal with the cards dealt and everybody has a different situation and different circumstances.

    I personally think it's great that you are going to school and doing the best you can for you and your family. I am a young mother myself. I had my first at 19 and my second at 22 so I know what it's like, the struggles and the sacrifices. Going to school and getting a degree, in my opinion, is the best thing you can do for you and your family. Maybe we didn't do things the 'right' way but that doesn't take away the fact that we are doing all we can to make things right and to be the very best parents we can be.

    Cudos to you! Keep at it girl!

  2. thanks erica! :D that made me feel a lot better!
