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Friday, March 5, 2010

John 3:16

"God so loved the world, that He gave his one and only son that whoever belives in Him will not perish but have eternal life."

I have not written ANYTHING about my love for God and I think it's way past due. I've been going to a Northplace Church in Sasche on and off for 6 years. My ex, Mark, and I started going there together, mostly to youth groups and I would leave almost everytime in tears. Church never really got to me until I went there. I grew up Catholic and went to CCD every week and got confirmed when I was in highschool (for any of you that know...WOW what an ordeal that is!), but I never had the choice of what church I wanted to go to or if I even wanted to be confirmed. (Sorry family, I know it hurts to hear that.)
I wanted to go to a church that spoke to ME. I have nothing against the Catholic Church, I just want to get something out of going to church, and I never did when I went there. So I brought Harland to Northplace with me one time and he loved the Pastor, and even though it's a pretty good drive away, we have been going every week. We were a little discouraged when we went from church to church not finding what we were looking for, but luckily I get to spend my life with someone who has the same beliefs as me so we weren't going to stop looking until we found one. When we couldn't find one close to us, we decided to stick with what we knew was good.

Last week, Bryan (our Pastor) talked about the importance of reading the bible, and again, I left in tears. I have never read the Bible! I am actually a complete dummy when it comes to it. When I was younger I attempted reading the King James version which kind of answers why I stopped. At ten years old trying to read that? My grandma sure tried to get me to read it, she came over weekly to have Bible study which I really appreciate now... but I couldn't stand it at the time. I want to read the Bible to Brodie everynight. I hope I can make it interesting to him, but I don't want to force it on him if he disliked it like I did. I think it turned me further away from it. It was the fact that I had to read it as an assignment... no wonder I was turned off.

So after that sermon, Harland and I went to the bookstore and each picked out our own bible. We also picked up a book based on the movie Fireproof which is a Christian movie that we watched a while back (HORRIBLE acting but great message.... I still definitely recommend it.) It's about a marriage that is torn apart bc of the husbands obsession with porn (of corse they don't put it that way.) The husbands father gives him a 40 day "dare" that had helped his own relationship. That's what the book is about. It gives a Bible verse everyday and a few pages of great advice and how it relates to the Bible. At the end of each day it has a dare. The first day dare was about Patience. We weren't aloud to say ANYTHING negative to each other. (Wasn't hard, since we let God into our lives in such a huge way we have been like teenagers in love again.) The 2nd day is about Kindness. Again weren't aloud to say anything negative, but to also do one unexpected gesture. (I did two.) So we get in bed at night, read our dare for the next day, and read the Bible before going to sleep. It's my official goal for 2010, to finish and study the whole Bible for the first time. By the way it's going I don't think it'll be hard.

OK time to back up now...

So my Sister and Maid of Honor turned sweet Sixteen!! I threw her a suprise party at my house with the help of her friends. I hope she knows how much I love her :)

I went with Hailee, Sonia, Linds, and my mom and found.... MY WEDDING DRESS!! I want to put it on here so friggin bad but I won't. You'll just have to wait and see! But let's just say it is AMAZING! I never thought I'd spend so much money on a dress but when you're in love, you're in love! haha

Monday morning Harland got laid off for lack of work. For some reason I wasn't even worried. Something came over me and told me it would be okay and I was comforted. He had sidework for the rest of the week, but I decided that just in case he didn't get a job, that I would take off school for a month and work full time. Well he already got a job, 4 days later! And it pays 2 dollars more an hour, with a dollar raise every 6 months! That's an extra $300 a month! Thank you, Lord! So I decided to just work as much, and be able to save some moola for the wedding.

2 of my other bridesmaids have Bdays this week... can't wait to celebrate with yall! Kels and Krysten have a great 22nd!

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