Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Monday, March 8, 2010

Quiz Me

-How did you and your significant other meet?
weeelll... I was suppose to meet up with my friend Erica when I came into town for my moms bday one night. She was lazy (yes, woman i said it.) and asked her boyfriends' roomate to pick me up and of corse look who that turned out to be. so I'm at chili's where we're suppose to meet, talking to all the people I use to work with, including my ex, and he calls and said his car is about to break down. so I'm thinking what a loser, and what a bad excuse to not get me. he was thinking why am i waisting my time on this girl who lives in Austin and who I've never met. well his car makes it to chili's, and when I heard, "are you Brittany?" I turned around and was pleasantly suprised. We ended up taking my car, and talked the whole way to dallas about what I like in a guy?! haha. he wasn't saying a word, but I was describing him to a tee, and he was just smiling. we ended up going to Billiard Bar and had our first kiss... one of the most memorable nights of my life. I kept looking at Erica and mouthing, "O.M.G." haha. We had an unfortgetable 4 days together, then I had to go back to Austin... and he ended up coming 2 days later... and staying for good :)

-Out of all your friends, who is most like you?
Well the person that has the life most like mine would probobly be Amber, but personality wise would most likely be Sonia.

-What is something you do that even YOU know is weird?
a lot! where to begin? i talk to myself, i can walk around hobby lobby all day long if i could, im sure Harland could answer this Q a lot better than I could...

-Favorite shows?
Desperate (even though it's not so great anymore), Two and a half men, George Lopez, Roseanne, Nip/Tuck, Dexter, Enterouge (obviously don't know how to spell it.)

-Drug of choice?
coke. a cola.

-What are the things within arms reach of you right now?
Brodie's monitor, Bible, "The Love Note" (book), check book, Cosmo, lottery ticket, Box full of love notes and cards, alarm clock, st. pattys day beads, my daily planner, Alfred Angelo catelog, and my wedding planner. Geez.

-What is on your to-do list for the day? for the month? the year?
today: go see H's dad in the hospital, finish cleaning my room, go to work
month: finish another Mod.
year: save up approx $15,000 for the wedding and honeymoon!..and obviously plan the wedding.

-What are the colors of your bedroom? Living Room?
bedroom everything is turquois (sp!) and brown, living room: deep red and brown

-What is your favorite thing in your house?
my family.

-What is something that people probobly think about you that isn't true?
that's a good one, and i really have no idea. you'll have to tell me what you think about me and ill tell you if it's true!

-What is your morning routine?
if i dont have school, constantly check my video monitor bc Brodie doesn't cry when he wakes up, so he just chills in his crib till I come in there... and when I do he gets the BIGGEST smile on his face, makes my day. Then I feed him oatmeal, and we hang out together. when i have school i just get ready, kiss B on the forehead while he's sleeping, and leave.

-What perfume do you wear?
I wear a certain scent to certain events... (I'm VERY big into scents.) Everyday scent: I Love Love. Work: Midnight Fantasy which I get complemented on at least twice a day. Dates: Pink. Parties and big nights: Obsession Nights (My fave...and I've made it 3 of my friends faves too.) Family gatherings: Daisy. Must have all 5 at all times!

-How long have you and your significant other been togther?
in April it'll be 2 1/2 years.

-Your song with your significant other?
we have a few. first was "it's your love", then one day I went in my car after work and there was TONS of balloons, and a note he wrote and when I started my car it was playing "she got whatever it is" and I'd never heard it before, so that's our other one.

-What was your longest relationship?
i think Mark and I were about 2 1/2 but on and off.. so H

-Best day of your life so far?
OK I know everyone says "the day my child was born", but I'm going to be real. It was. I'll break it down...
the day I had the most fun was Memorial Day '08. Spent the night at my friends house, we went to Devils Cove right when we woke up. Hooked our boat with about 15 others, ended up knowing a TON of people already there (on their yachtsss), drank, danced, was a BLAST. That night we went out to eat with about 20 ppl... but I don't remember anything but yelling at my waiter for getting me enchiladas when I wanted fajitas (but apparently SAID enchiladas haha).
the most exciting day (no joke) was the day...or week rather...that I met Harland. Allll my friends know all about this. I knew he was the one RIGHT away...It was the most intense feeling I'd ever had, until of corse I had Brodie.
The most memorable and most important day of my life was, again, when B was born. It was very unreal to me, even as I was pushing, I was thinking, "I'm not really having a baby right now." haha. What hurts me to this day was my initial feeling towards him wasn't what I had thought it would be..infact I was a little upset at first. I wanna cry thinking about it... but my first thought when I saw Brodie was how much he looked like my birthdad. They could be the same exact person. (Not a fan of the birthdad obviously.) He still looks like him, because I look a lot like him, ESP when he frowns it's uncanny, but thank goodness he's looking more like H everyday. After that initial thought, as soon as he was laying on my chest, things changed...but I don't think I'll ever forget that unfortunately.

-What is your biggest insecurity?
my dark circles under my eyes. i get ask all the time if i got punched in the eye. how nice is that? that's like asking someone whos got a little belly how far along they are. DONT ASK UNLESS YOU KNOW FOR SURE!

-When is the last time you stole something?
haha well everyone at work knows im a big pen theif. if i see a good pen i like i get twitchy. hahah. Harland and I are funny about our pens, he likes the thin marker type and i like the really fat ones with big grippers that write smooth. we're wierd.

-What's your favorite hobby?
scrapbooking. anything with pictures really.

-Fave songs from the past year?
well all my fave songs are at the very bottom of my blog, minus some that wouldn't download, but from this year idk... music sure isn't what it use to be. um im gonna say "obsessed," that break up song from mario, "it wont be like this for long"... not a good year for music.

-Least Fave?
i could write all day in this category. ANYTHING from lady gaga. the second i hear "ra ra ohlala" I can't change it fast enough. that song 'according to you' OMG worst song ever. "1,2,3" from britney spears. HORRIBLE song... talking about how "living in sin is the new thing!?" awesome I get to raise my child in a world where a hit song says that on the radio.

-Fave Drink?
coke. alcoholic? bacardi O and redbull.... new fave is Incredible Hulk! yummmm! Hennessey and Hypnotic!

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