Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Worst day ever?

-6:30am: Got up, played with Brodie bc he was up for some strange reason, left for school.
-8:15am: Rear end the car infront of me on the highway. Look at damage...there is none. Don't have my licence or insurance on me bc I'm always with Brodie and it was in the diaper bag. I don't carry a purse bc my bag is ginormous. She decided to call the cops. I asked her to look at the back of her car bc there was no damage but one very small scratch. She said, "that's your opinion." and I said, "well that will be yours too if you get out of your car and look!" "No, I'm not looking." WOW. I call and get my policy number for her and when I do the cop FINALLY shows up.

-8:45: Runs my name and asks me to get out of the car. I had a ticket from years ago that I never paid bc I was living in Austin and thought I wouldn't get in trouble for it, esp when I have been pulled over since. (Yes, like a dumbass.)
-9:00: Got booked and felt up... and sat in a cell by myself for an hour (while reading a wedding magazine.)
-10:20: Constable took me to Irving Jail and I waited to get booked for 2 hours. Had to take my bra off at that one. I was lookin GOOD. I also had only had a 5 hr energy shot for breakfast bc I was planning on eating at school...I was staarving.
-12:00: Chicken.Pot.Pie. Who served it? A guy I graduated with at Allen. I started talking to him and he wasn't allowed to say anything back.
-1:00: Still not booked in...Harland has been waiting for hours. When I ask why people who got here hours after me are getting booked and I still haven't, I get the response, "YOUR IN JAIL! YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID YOUR TICKET!" oh and BTW, they told me that no one had asked about 'Barton' yet. I was freaking out thinking Harland wasn't there... when he had infact asked if he could bail me out countless times. BITCHES.
-1:20: I am still not booked, but I am taken into a cell? Hmm... (H can't pay and get me out until I'm can't be put into the actual jail without being booked!) As I walked into the main part of the jail I felt like I was in prison...Irving Jail doesn't mess around. It was very intense. Sat in my cell and looked at the wall until I made myself fall asleep.
-2:40: They let all the girls out of their cells and we lined up against the wall, head touching the brick, hands behind our heads. After the frisk, I stepped back one step and the woman officer SCREAMS "GET BACK IN LINE, HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!" I looked at her and she said "THAT IS NOT A REQUEST!" I put my hands behind my head and started bawling. I felt like the biggest piece of white trash.
-3:00: As soon as it was over, they called 'Barton' on the loud speaker and I yelled "THANK GOD!" I brought my blanket and mat to the front and got my bra and changed out of my prisoner clothes. ($878 bail.) Walked out and Harland, Monica, and Brodie were waiting for they had been for hours.
-4:00 Pick up my car from the impound lot. ($118...which is pretty friggin good!)

Total Money Spent on BS: $1,250 including the money Harland and I both would have made at work today. Oh and that's not including if that biotch who called the cops in the first place somehow does something to my insurance...but what the hell can you do when there was NO DAMAGE!?!

PS. All of that money came out of my wedding fund... now I'm down to $1,700 :(

Today blows.

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