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Monday, March 8, 2010


I was just in the shower going over certain people's IDIOTIC choices in spending money and I decided to write all the things that I spend money on to show that person how truly dumb their decision was.

(Let me note that I am so FRUGLE that I actually write down every dollar I spend, so I really do know what all I spend money on.)


(You would think that this would be where all my money goes, but bc of amazing family and friends, and MEDICAID, this is one of the smallest categories.... this might shock you.)

-Formula: have only had to buy 6 cans of formula in 7 months: ($81!)

-Clothes: this boy has about 3x as many clothes as I do, and only about $100 worth came from me.

-Diapers: we have used cloth diapers up until now bc they don't fit anymore and I don't want to spend $250 on the next size, (we got all the first size at our babyshowers), so we have only had to buy 3 packs of diapers: ($50) Wipes: ($30)

-Furniture: Crib on Craigslist: $200, made all the other furniture so money that we spent on parts only about $50. Paint: $40 Novelty items (scrapbook, piggy bank etc.): $100

-Books: $50... I only shop at the sale items at barns and noble...books are friggin expensive! Luckily he's already got a TON... I looove reading to my little man.

That's it! Brodie's grand total: $700!!


Movies: $20 a month

Drinks: $10-20 a month (and of corse $0 when I was pregnant) I go out about once a month now-a-days, unless I go out with Sonia then it's $190! (hahah jk girl!)

Out to eat: average $40 a month (for me only)

And that's about all my entertainment...



The last time I went to the mall in a YEAR AND A HALF was to buy Brodie's winter clothes!! The only money I've spent was at Plato's Closet for a bigger size for my "maternity wear!" ($75) That's right girls, a YEAR AND A HALF. I'd love to see any of you try!


In the last year: $50. No lie people.

*Hobby Lobby: (my weakness)

Decorations for Brodies room: $50

Decorations for our room: $120

Decorations for rest of house: $100


$30 in the last year

XMAS cards: $30

Engagement Party Invites: $40

Babyshower Invites: $40, $20

Stamps: $40


In the last year: Ambers Baby, Sean & Brandi's Baby, Mom Bday, Audrey Bday, Allie Bday, Linds Bday, Harlands Bday, Valentines Day, (No Xmas bc we has no money!), Anniversary...



Deposit on my dress: $600

=GRAND TOTAL: $3,400!! That's all the money I've spent this year besides groceries and gas.

Money that I've spent that wasn't a necessity: approx $1,000...and that's for me to have somewhat of a life with going to school, working, having a baby, and planning a wedding.

I thought I would just give reason to why I'm pissed off that someone can just gamble away almost what I spend in a YEAR, in one night!

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