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Monday, March 1, 2010


Remember when I said I'm going to have some HOT bridesmaids? Well I wasn't kidding....

Lindsay (Maid of Honor)
My Sister, Roomie, Best Friend. Also one of the craziest and funniest people I know

Sonia (Matron of Honor)

I've only known her for two years, but we got so close so fast. She is always there for me, and I haven't had this type of friendship in a looong time! It's a great feeling KNOWING someone always has your back! To top it off, she is Harlands' best friends' wife, so basically the four of us are attached at the hip!


I've known her longer than anyone. I met her when I was one year old! Our Moms were best friends, and now we're having babies at the same time as well! We have so much history, it's amazing where our friendship is today. I'm so happy to say I have a best friend that I've known for 21 years!!

We met our Junior year of HS and she was basically the reason I survived. I'm so excited that she's graduating soon and will *hopefully be moving back to Dallas!! (Oh and she's also the reason that Brodie was born... haha)

We met our freshman year of HS...and we have had some craazy times. She's the wild child :) She also is the person that introduced me to Harland!!

I've known her the least amt, but I love her just as much. She is one of the best friends I've ever had! We met in Austin at Chuy's a little less than 2 years ago...she is one of the sweetest, prettiest, most fun girls I know.. (and brains to boot!)

I met Hailee on our soccer team in 1st grade, we also went to the same elementry school. We basically lived together growing up, our Moms became friends, and now we live about 2 streets away from each other! She is a very strong woman with her hands full, and she pulls it off well.

We met in Austin our Freshman year of College, and realized we went to the same hs...but she moved there the year I moved away and we never met each other, but we have all the same best friends! She lives in Tyler but comes back to Dallas as often as she can to visit! She is so sweet and always has a smile on her face, even if times are hard.

We met in 6th and I have kept in touch with her more than anyone from middle school. She is so much fun to be around... there is definitely not a dull moment with her!
Was my absolute best friend in middle school, we lost touch for a few years but I am so happy that we are back in each others lives! She is goofy as hell...and I love it.

We have been friends since 6th, but have never been as close as we are now. I wish I would have realized what an amazing friend she is earlier on! She is ALWAYS there for her friends, and has such a great heart. She's the kind of person that puts others before herself...I've never met another girl like her!

Also been friends with since 6th. This girl is TALENTED! Sings, dances, acts you name it. She also definitely is on the goofy side! :)

The 5 Girls...

My Ushers
I met him the first day of 7th grade and was wow that's my new boyfriend (ha!). Fortunately, instead he became my best friend. He was also my prom date Senior Year. He is one of my absolute favorite people to be around!

Friends since 5th grade, we got closer every year. Ty is the absolute best person to talk to, he is as insightful as he is HILARIOUS. He has a great heart and great morals.

So I have a bridesmaid/usher that is a family member, one since birth, one from elementry in Plano, one from elemetry in Coppell, 5 from middle school in Coppell, one from Coppell HS, one from Allen Hs, one from Austin before I met H, one from Austin after I met him, one of Harlands friends... basically a bridesmaid from every era of my life! :) That's so weird! haha

i love you brittany, and harland im sure ill love you at some point :) i wish you both the happiest lives and an amazing future and marraige. there are no other two people that deserves this the most! you have a love that people look for their whole lives. im so happy for you two.

i love you all so much.. thank you for being a huge part of my life. you really don't know what your friendship means to me!

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