Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Brodie's First SHOTS!!

Well the day I've been dreading had to come some time... Brodie's first shots. I'm a month behind because only a few pediatricians take Parkland Medicaid... so I called to see who took would see him in Plano, and they said it would take 6 weeks!! Well I thought that was for first timers only, but after his visit they said they didn't have another apt till JANUARY! And he needs his next shots in a month! So I don't care where I have to drive to, he will be on time for his next shots and all the rest. So here's how it went down: he needed 4 shots, and I told her I'm not doing more than 3. My uncle died the day after he had his first shots so I have been scared to death of this day since he was born. SIDS is most common in first borns, males, and if it runs in the family. So I have 3 out of 3. He will catch up with that last shot his next apt... I just don't want to overwhelm him. The doctor said he is perfect, that he is in the 85% of his weight (at 15.3 lbs) and 75% of his height at 28 inches (he's grown more than 4 inches and 9 lbs in 3 months bc he went down to 6 lbs the day after he was born). She said he's already way ahead in his motor skills which was pretty obvious... holding his head up since he was a day old, and being able to push it up on his belly since he was a few weeks, smiling after a few days, cooing after 6 weeks, and holding his own bottle at 3 months!! She was amazed that he could already do that. She said he should start to try to roll over in a month or so and I told her he can already twist his whole body around, but can't fully roll all the way over... that'll be next!) Anyways, after the visit I was a nervous wreck. I had to go to work and I was miserable, calling and checking on him as often as I could. One time I called Nanny and he was screaming crying... which he really never does. I got home and let him fall asleep on my chest (which I never do, I always let him put himself to sleep in his crib) but I wan't to just make sure he was okay. After Jeff (my uncle) died, my Nanny had my mom and other uncle sleep next to her for two years... as I'm sure I would have. You're such a strong woman, Nanny. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

Here's Nanny and Brodster feeding himself :)

Since he started holding his own bottle, I decided to see what else he could do! I am retarded for not putting him in his Bumbo earlier, I just thought he was too small... but I could barely put his chubby legs in there! He LOVES his bumbo... and I LOVE it while I'm in the kitchen. He's just right there next to me smiling while I do the dishes... I love my little buddy.

Trying to put the bottle back in his mouth. He was a little off.
haha I thought this was too funny

I broke out his first hat, too! Megan got him this shirt it says "I'm with the hottie pushing the stoller." haha too cute.

I broke this play mat out a month ago and it wasn't too exciting, but now it's his favorite thing!

The last thing I tried was his "big boy bath" which I'm not a fan of yet. He's big enough, but I had to hold him still and I was just nervous the whole time, so next time I'll be putting the hammock back in it. He seemed to enjoy it at first, but after a few minutes he didn't feel secure. I'm with ya buddy!

I'm going to end with the 2nd cutest little boy I've ever seen... this will seriously make your day! (Sry Brandi I had to steal it from you!)

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