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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

TO DO List

I was in the middle of laundry, thinking about my hectic life and how I wish I could put everything I need to into order... so I thought I would get everything out and blog about it.

The past week I have been on some sort of cooking craze... and I usually cook mmm... about once every three months (not including hamber helper and all the eazy schmeezy meals). I never had any interest cooking until I got to college, and unless my roomate Jess was cooking, I wasn't going to get any home cooked meals, so I had to do it myself. Once I learned how, I loved it. Scot and Chris (my old friends from hs) moved in with me and we cooked for each other all the time. That all changed when I met Harland. When he showed me his cooking skills I basically was like, "what's the point?" He put me to shame. He makes the worlds BEST: steaks (ask any of our close friends), burgers (ask anyone who's been to our cookouts), and tacos (ask Brandi & Sean). He turns the simplist things into my favorite things. If I was on death row and could have one last meal, it would be his steak, mashed potatoes (another worlds' best) and grilled corn on the cob.
Anyways, back to why I started cooking. Since Brodie was born, there hasn't been a lot of time to do things like cook... or anything that doesn't take longer than a few minutes. The only 'me' time I get, is when I'm writting these blogs... I use to love watching my shows or take baths and read a chapter of whatever book I was reading.. now I let my shows run while I run around the house cleaning or tending to Brodie, and well, I just don't take baths anymore. Or read. (I do watch Desperate Housewives with my sister on Sunday nights, after Brodie's in bed.)
So there has been a lot of frozen dinners and sandwiches... quick things. Harland and I have been so sick of eating the same thing over and over again, I decided what's one more thing to take on... making dinner. I looked online for 7 recipes, then Hailee and our boys went grocery shopping. I have made 5 dinners in a row (which has been more than I've made all year).
All these dinners I had never made before:
Friday: meatloaf (tasted just like my moms!)
Saturday: roasted honey barbeque chicken
Sunday: pot roast (the sauce was my fave part, it was like heaven)
Monday: chicken pizza.. on creasant dough.. it was soo yummy
Tuesday: baked maccaroni and cheese (my sister came home sick and wanted mac&chz and we didn't have any so I made it from scratch! It ended up being one of my faves!)

Harland will have to fend for himself tonight (which means roman noodle) bc it's Chuy's in Plano's first year anniversary (which hopefully means $$$... which reminds me, I made $100 tip on $113 tab the other day... cheeya!). There will be a TON going on, facepainters, Elvis, happy hour all day and more.

So here's the main reason I'm writting this: I need to get my thoughts in order.


Harlands 'legal' situation:
-talk to a lawyer
-save about $2,500 (so far we have about $1,000) for his fees
-save up even more to get Harland a car bc his is basically the worst car ever.

THEN we can save for a wedding. :(

-make an apt for WIC to get formula, then go up there... (an all day event)
-get my oil changed
-finish building the sink in the garage for Brodie's cloth diapers
-go grocery shopping... AGAIN
-pay bills
-finishing cleaning the house that never stays clean
-have H fix disposal
-get the cat a catbox with a LID
-take Deuce to get his nails clipped

and I have to do all this plus work and take care of Brodie by tomorrow. welcome to motherhood.

ps. this morning Harland asked, "do I not have any clean jeans?" I replied, "I dont know, did you wash any?" (ha.) I have only been washing mine and Brodie's clothes for the last week... bc he's a big boy, and I have enough on my plate right now. He goes to work, yes, but so do I. And when I go to work he just relaxes with Brodie on the couch. I am constantly up doing something. Always. I will be leaving a "honey do" list today... including do your own laundry. :)


  1. I thought I had posted a comment earlier...but I'm not seeing it.

    Anyways, I am Erica! I found your blog through Brandi's and have recently started following. Your son is super cute and congrats on the engagement!

    Now about the WIC. Go to the Wylie one. Here is their information:
    Wylie Office
    303 S. Hwy. 78 Suite 102
    Wylie, TX 75098

    Phone: 972-461-0813
    Hours: Monday & Wednesday: 8:00am - Noon & 1:00pm - 7:00pm

    Not many people know about this office so it's easy to get an appointment same day that you call and you are usually in and out with your benefits within an hour! Anybody who has been to a WIC office knows that is a miracle! This is the office I go to and the people are so nice there. Check them out.

  2. You don't have to go to one in your region, that's what everybody thinks. While I was there I spoke with the lady where you sign in, who btw is super nice, and she told me that you can go to any WIC office not just ones in the county you live in.
