Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!

I have SO much to catch up on... this is going to take forever.

Whew. I'm exhausted. We just got back from running errands... not easy when you have to carry a huge diaper bag and a HUGE baby in his car seat... not to mention change 2 diapers, feed him 2 bottles all in the middle of already doing a tooon of things. We went to the pediatrician (his 3rd because I still haven't found one that I like, and I still didn't love this one. I had to tell the nurse to write down the shots she just gave him on the chart I already gave her, they just didn't seem as professional as I would like. The doctor was nice but ehh... I guess I'm just picky. We might be looking again. He weighed in at 17 lbs, (78th percentile... gained 2 lbs in 3 weeks) and 20 1/2 inches, and has a 19 1/2 head circumphrence (97th percentile!! that's a lotta brain! haha)

After the docs office, we went to the WIC office and filled out paperwork and such and got my WIC card! Finalllly. Free formula, baby foods, milk and other things. That saves me about $200 a month! Thank you Lord!!

Thanksgiving was this week, and my family could only get together on Sunday, (which I work) so I couldn't come! So Harland and I decided to have Thanksgiving dinner at our house, with his family. His sister got to meet Brodie for the first time, and his grandpa saw him for the 2nd time! His mom couldn't make it till the next day, it would have been the first time in over ten years that they were all together. We were really sad she couldn't make it.

Here's the Thanksgiving outfit we WANTED him to wear. Unfortunately it only stayed pee free for about 2 hours.

I made the turkey, stuffing, creamed corn, and green bean cassarole. My mom brought the salad and another stuffing. Harland made the mashed potatoes and helped with the turkey.

I made the gravy, and I must say, it was DELISH.

I also made Brodie's Thanksgiving meal: Butternut Squash!

I made Pumpkin struedel cheesecake and pumpkin/chocolate pie.

Passed out from his meal

Harlands dad, he's so good with Brodie!
His Mom got to meet him for the first time!
That night I went all the way to Keller to meet up with Sonia and her family and we did some Black Friday shopping. (My first experience) So I had gotten up at 7am Thanksgiving morning, then stayed up till 7am the next day. I waited in line for Harlands bday present for 6 hours!! I got him a 32" flat screen TV... it was $250 on sale from $500. It's our first flat screen! Don't say anything to him about it, he has no idea! (He better FREAKING LOVE ME.)
That next day his Mom came over and I was DEAD tired. I had about 3 hours of sleep, but I really wanted to visit with her. We showed her all the videos of Brodie that she had missed (and of corse the lottery haha).
Saturday was our engagement dinner! We had our own room at Abuelo's. It was awesome! We had a buffet style dinner, it was just $20 for each person, I definitely recommend it for anyone who wants to have a dinner with lot's of people. We had a Bride's side and a Groom's side. A lot of people showed up, but unfortunately only ONE of my bridesmaids showed up! But she was the main one I wanted to be there bc I had been planning on asking her to be my Matron of Honor for a while! So I stood up in front of everyone and asked her. (I kind of felt like I was proposing! haha) She almost started crying, it was really sweet. I've known her less than all of my bridesmaids (except Megan) but we've gotten so close in the last 2 years and she has just shown me how it feels to have a truely great friend. I've had a lot of good friends but when it comes down to it, I've never really had someone who has NEVER let me down. I know I can always count on her and that's a really great feeling. I love you Sonia! My sister is my Maid of Honor (it's my wedding, I can have two if I want to! hah)
Anyways, my sister, Megan, and Amber couldn't make it but I'm not gonna lie I was pretty upset that the other 3 girls didn't even let me know they weren't coming. Why should I have them as bridesmaids when I have great friends who have been there a lot more and really want to be my bridesmaids? Doesn't make sense to me. I was suppose to go to Austin to be in a parade that Chuy's puts on every year, and then wanted to go to 6th to celebrate my bday but I changed it to that date so that a certain person would be able to come, and she didn't. Maybe I shouldn't be writting all this out, I'm just reaaaally sick and tired of depending on my friends and them not coming through. I am ALWAYS there for my friends when they invite me to ANYTHING. I like my friends to know they can count on me. Ok, enough venting.
Here are my AMAZING friends that came
And Harland's
All the girls except ERINN
Hubby & Maid of Honor to be
After dinner, Harlands bro gave us coupons for free entry and free drinks and Pete's Piano Bar! We had enough for everyone-- it was a BLAST. Then the girls paid for Harland and I to get on stage and we had a spotlight dance it was really fun. Thanks girls for doing that!

Brodie has grown up so much in the past few weeks. My sister went out of town and when she came back she said, "I knew I would miss everything!" She missed a ton! He is starting to eat solids! The doctor said as long as he's 4 months, holding his head up, and has doubled his birth weight then he is more than ready! He's had an insane growth spurt, he's up to 8 oz with or without rice cereal and eats solids for lunch, as well as 5 oz. I puree his own food, I've made carrots, butternut squash, and bananas. I'm using a baby cook book and it tells you when to do each thing. I regret the bananas though. He pooped FOUR times after that and when he spent the night at my moms, he kept her up all night bc he was in pain from his gas. Poor little man. We'll definitely hold off on the naners. Next were gonna try apples.
He's also already sitting up by himself! At four months! He can for up to about 5 minutes.
He is talking like CRAZY. I mean constantly. He really likes the sound of his own voice. And we're still working on him rolling over. Kinda wierd he can sit before he can roll over haha.
And here's the cute pictures of the week:
"Mom, please I just woke up!"
"What'd I say Mom? No more pictures!"
"Ok, now I'm angry!"
His new toy!
Already taking my money
His future wife
Turning his body so he can watch the TV!

I had to leave for work and he was sleeping so I said "Brodie I love you!"... and got this:

I pretty much starting crying.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
I am never cooking again!

1 comment:

  1. I totally reccommend my pedi...Dr. Hania Alaidroos at Arbor Green Family Medicene. She's awesome! She's sees my entire family for everything! She's even my gyno! And she really LOVES the kids is very professional and very attentive! It's very convenient to go to one place for everything. She's also very lienient on payment...she'll even bargain w/you; one of her patients had to have some procedures done that she couldn't afford and so she monogrammed everyone's names on their white coats. Oh and she's in D Magazine! I'm telling you she's awesome! Oh, and one last thing...she'll give you her cell number. We've called her personal cell in the middle of the night plenty of times concerning the kids!
