Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Erica!

So I wrote on facebook that I did something that will change my life... and here it is. I officially enrolled in medical school! Sanford Brown in Dallas. Harland, Brodie, and I went up to the school to ask my last questions and figured out that the best route for me to go was to do a year of Medical Assisting. I'll get a job in that field, then return to school to do what I really wanted to: Sonography. (For all that don't know, that is the person who gives sonograms, usually to pregnant woman.) With my medical assisting background, I will have a higher chance of getting a job bc I will be able to give shots, do blood work and so forth, as well as do ultrasounds. The average first year sonographer makes $65,000 a year, so hopefully I'll be rackin it up after my 2 1/2 years of school and 5 month externship. Sounds great right?
My schedule is from 8am-1pm M-T, then I work Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. That means 2 days out of the week, I can only see Brodie for a few hours, and that's while I'm doing homework! To add more craziness, Harland wants to start going to school to become an electrical engineer. I love that he wants to learn and provide more for his family, as do I, it's just going to be hard when we're doing it at the same time... and with a baby. I think the sooner we do it, the better, bc it's best to go while I only have one child, bc we want lot's more!.. and this way I'll be able to make money sooner.
Another Downside:

The MONEY. It's $52,000 ($42,000 after grants) in student loans, and I already have $30,000 in SL already! (big sigh.) But you know, when you have to pay for everything including your wedding (biiiig sigh) what do you expect? You have to get the money from somewhere, and it's either that or just not go to school and get stuck being a server the rest of my life. So my plan, as crazy as it is, is to work two jobs (basically just adding serving on the weekends so I can have nights with the family) and put everything I make from serving towards student loans, so that I can pay it off in 5-6 years, and it won't be heavy on my sholders the rest of my life.

So... I'll be out of school in 3 years, and after I start my career, after about a year, we can get pregnant again. Brodie will be starting kindergarden, it will be great timing. (Isn't that crazy to think of Brodie starting kindergarden!?)
Things will be crazy hectic, and I will be exhausted, but this is what happens when you have babies before you finish college. I HATE that I wont be able to spend as much time with Brodie as I would like, but I want to make a better life for him, and in the end I think he will be really happy. At least I hope so. He doesn't wake up till ten, so it's only a few hours less that I will see him M-T so that put my mind a little more at ease. Sonia & Nick offered to watch Brodie twice during the week which is HUGE, I seriously want to cry it makes me so happy that we have such amazing friends. (Thank yall SOO MUCH!) My Nanny also offered to watch him once a week, so I just have to find someone to watch him one day from 7-1:30. He's the happiest in the morning, he sleeps till ten and is all smiles until his nap again at one. If anyone is interested PLEASE let me know! Or if anyone can do once a month, anything is helpful... we can't really afford a sitter, and he is way too young for day care.

Here's some updates on Brodie:

-He got to meet his grandma (Harlands Mom) for the first time last week! It was only for a minute, but we are going to visit her on Thanksgiving. It'll be the first holiday we're spending with his family since we've been together.

-He is reeeally trying to roll over. Harland said he rolled over in his bouncy chair while I was at work (damnit) but I haven't seen it since.

-He can scoot his body up. He arches his back and kicks. In the middle of the night I looked over at the monitor and his head was touching the side of the crib! He scooted his body more than a foot!

-He's doing this wierd thing where he chews his tongue? He put's his tongue to the side and CHEWS it. Anyone know anything about that?

-He said his first word. (haha) Lindsay said hi! And he said hi right back! Harland, Linds, and I all looked at each other in shock, it was really funny.

**Update with his diapers:
EVERYONE SHOULD GET THESE!! No joke, I LOVE them. I was in the grocery store, in the diaper isle doing math yesterday, and I figured out that I'm saving a good $75-100 a month ($1,800-$2,400 by the time he's potty trained (if that happens when he turns 2) It's not just about the money, you never have to worry about running out and having to stop and run to the store when you realize you're out. Also, they stay in such perfect condition, people use them with mulitple children. That's minimum $2,000 a kid! I asked for them at my baby shower so I've never had to pay for any diapers! They are expensive, $10 a diaper, but when people are buying you diapers for your babyshower anyways, I just asked for these! Harland installed a sink in the garage, so when he has a "bad" diaper, I toss the liner in the toilet which has all the nastiness, then theres sometimes a LITTLE on the side, so I have stain remover and a scrub brush and I just run it under the water for a sec and it's gone. Then I toss that diaper in the pail with all the other diapers (pee diapers are just as easy as disposables... instead of tossing it in the trash I just toss it in the water bucket.) I have 25 diapers and I go through about 6-7 a day, so they stay in the bucket with water and a tiny bit of soap until the end of the 3rd day and then I do a load of diapers. The only inconvenience is doing an extra load of laundry, but how long does that actually take? 1 minute tops. They are also as easy to put on as disposables. If Harland can do it, anyone can. Oh and I also don't have to worry about a stinky trashcan.
Ok that's enough about diapers. Onto my new AMAZING phone.. the Droid!
They call it the "Iphone Killer." It has EVERYTHING the Iphone has, but the internet is INSTANT. The aps on it are insane. I have one that even if your phone is on silent and you can't find it, you txt it where r u from any phone and it beeps loudly for 5 minutes till you find it! I love it. It's been almost THREE months without a phone! I have the same number, so please txt me your name so I can try to get my contact list back! Everyone have a great rest of the week... and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my bridesmaids, Erica! Love you girl!!


  1. I got cloth diapers while pregnant too, but have yet to start using them. What kind do you use? I got the bum genius ones. Also what do you do with the diapers when you're in public and he goes number 2? I was thinking about just getting those diaper bags to carry with me. Also can you tell me more about this pale you have in the garage?

  2. that's awesome! i use kushies, they were my fave that i researched. i liked the bum genius kind too! yes i carry a bag for both kind of diapers, the liners really take care of that issue.. you just toss it in the toilet. the pale just holds water and a little bit of soap, or you can use vinegar, and the diapers just sit there till your next laundry load.

  3. Thanks! I am getting excited about starting to use them....but scared also. Addy is going number 2 many times a day right now. I hope it slows down here soon!
